§ 21-28-2.02 Schedules of controlledsubstances Establishment. (a) There are established five (5) schedules of controlled substances, to beknown as schedules I, II, III, IV, and V.
(b) The schedules I, II, III, IV, and V shall, unless anduntil amended pursuant to this chapter, consist of: those enumerated in thisarticle and include substances to be controlled by rule and/or regulation ofthe director of health as published, except all substances in schedules II,III, IV, and V will require a prescription to be dispensed by an apothecary inthe state of Rhode Island; provided, that a prescription will not be requiredin the following cases: administering, dispensing, or selling at retail of anymedicinal preparation that contains in one fluid ounce or if a solid orsemi-solid preparation, in one avoirdupois ounce, not more than thirty andone-tenth (30.1) milligrams of opium. Notwithstanding the definition of theword opium contained in any other general or special law, the word opium forpurposes of this section shall be as defined in the official United Statespharmacopoeia. The prescription exemption authorized by this section shall besubject to the following conditions: (1) That the medicinal preparationadministered, dispensed, or sold, shall contain, in addition to the narcoticdrug in it, some drug or drugs conferring upon it medicinal qualities otherthan those possessed by the narcotic drug alone;
(2) That the preparation shall be administered, dispensed, orsold in good faith as a medicine and not for the purpose of evading theprovisions of this chapter, and provided the preparation shall be dispensed orsold only to a person who shall sign his or her name and address in a legiblemanner in a record book to be kept for that purpose by the seller.