§ 21-28-3.16 Form, content, andpreservation of records. (a) The form of records and who shall keep the records shall be prescribed bythe director of health. The records of controlled substances received shall inevery case show the date of receipt, the name and address of the person fromwhom received, and the kind and quantity of controlled substances received.
(2) A manufacturer shall maintain on a current basis acomplete and accurate record of all controlled substances manufactured, sold,delivered, or otherwise disposed of by him or her. The records shall bereported to the director of health monthly.
(3) A wholesaler shall maintain on a current basis a completeand accurate record of all controlled substances sold, delivered, or disposedof by him or her. The records shall be reported to the director of healthmonthly.
(4) All persons authorized to handle controlled substancesunder this chapter shall immediately report to the director of health allcontrolled substances lost, destroyed, or stolen, and the kind and quantity ofthe controlled substances and the date of the discovery of the loss,destruction or theft.
(b) The record of all controlled substances sold,administered, dispensed, or disposed of shall show the date of selling,administering, or dispensing, the name and address of the person to whom, orfor whose use, or the owner and species of animal for which the drugs weresold, administered, or dispensed, and the kind and quantity of the controlledsubstance. Every record shall be kept for a period of two (2) years from thedate of the transaction recorded. The keeping of a record required by or underthe federal law, containing substantially the same information as is specifiedin this section, shall constitute compliance with this section. All personsauthorized to handle controlled substances shall conduct a biannual inventoryof all controlled substances.