§ 21-28-3.22 Administration, dispensationor use restricted to scope of employment or duty. A person in charge of a hospital or a laboratory, or in the employ of thisstate, or of any other state, or of any political subdivision of a state, or amaster of a ship or a person in charge of any aircraft upon which no physicianis regularly employed, or a physician or surgeon duly licensed in some state,territory, or the District of Columbia to practice his or her profession, or aretired commissioned medical officer of the United States Army, Navy, AirForce, or public health service employed upon that ship or aircraft who obtainscontrolled substances whether under the provisions of this chapter orotherwise, shall not administer nor dispense, nor use those controlledsubstances within this state, except within the scope of his or her employmentor official duty, and then only for scientific or medical purposes and subjectto the provisions of this chapter.