§ 21-28-4.04 Sale of hypodermic syringesand needles and retractable hypodermic syringes and needles. (a) Hypodermic and retractable hypodermic syringes, needles, or any instrumentadapted for the administration of drugs by injection shall not be sold exceptin licensed pharmacies. Every sale shall be made subject to the rules andregulations of the director of the department of health.
(b) The following conditions shall apply to all purchases ofhypodermic and retractable hypodermic syringes or needles:
(1) Pharmacists shall make available to each purchaser at thetime of purchase information regarding the safe disposal of hypodermic andretractable hypodermic syringes or needles, as promulgated by the Rhode Islandresource recovery corporation, in conjunction with the department of health,including local disposal locations or a telephone number to call for thatinformation;
(2) Pharmacists may also provide purchasers with informationon drug addiction treatment, including a local telephone number to getassistance;
(3) The director of health shall adopt rules and regulationsrelative to the content, format, and distribution of any materials requiredunder this section and any other matter necessary to effectuate the purposes ofthis section;
(4) At all licensed pharmacies where hypodermic andretractable hypodermic needles and syringes are kept for retail sale pursuantto this section, the needles and syringes shall be stored in a manner thatmakes them available only to authorized personnel and not openly available tocustomers;
(5) A registered pharmacy or licensed pharmacist that sellshypodermic and retractable hypodermic needles or syringes must certify to thedirector of the department of health participation in an activity that supportsproper disposal of used hypodermic and retractable hypodermic needles orsyringes.