§ 21-28-5.07.4 Control of controlledsubstance. (a) Any controlled substance, which has been authorized to be used by the statepolice, local police or investigator appointed pursuant to § 42-9-8.1designated by the attorney general in investigations of controlled substanceviolations shall be kept under the physical control of the requesting lawenforcement agency until the controlled substance is to be used in aninvestigation.
(b) When used in an investigation, at no time shall anysubstantial amount of the controlled substance be physically delivered to aperson unless the police intend to and are able to immediately arrest theperson to whom the controlled substance was delivered for commission of afelony criminal offense.
(c) Upon final disposition of all matters regarding the useof any controlled substances in accordance with § 21-28-5.07.1, thecontrolled substance shall be destroyed in accordance with the provisions of§ 21-28-5.07.