§ 21-28-5.09 Revocation of license ofpersons convicted. On the conviction of any person of the violation of any provision of thischapter, a copy of the judgment or decision and the sentence, and of theopinion of the court, if one is filed, shall immediately be sent by the clerkof the court to the director of health, who in turn shall notify the board,division, commission, officer, or officers by whom the convicted person waslicensed or registered to practice his or her profession, trade, occupation, orto carry on his or her business. The licensing board, division, commission,officer, or officers shall enter upon its records a statement of the convictionand shall immediately revoke the license or registration and notify thedirector of health within seven (7) days to that effect. On the application ofany person whose license or registration has been revoked, and upon propershowing and for good cause, the board, division, commission, officer, orofficers may reinstate the license or registration, and when it does it shallso notify the director of health.