§ 21-30-3 Labeling of wood alcohol. Any person who sells, exchanges, or delivers to another person any woodalcohol, sometimes known as methyl alcohol, shall affix to the vessel orcontainer holding the wood alcohol a label bearing the words, "Wood alcoholpoison," printed or written on the vessel or container in letters not less thanone-fourth of an inch ( 1/4") in height, and in addition the words "it isunlawful to use this fluid in any article of food or drink, or in any medicinalor toilet preparation, intended to be used internally or externally," printedor written on the vessel or container in letters not less than one-eighth of aninch ( 1/8") in height. Any person violating the provisions of this sectionshall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundreddollars ($500).