§ 21-30-6 Labeling of poisons Registration of sales Prescriptions. No person shall sell, either by wholesale or retail, any of the poisonsenumerated in § 21-30-7, without distinctly labeling the bottle, box,vessel, or paper and wrapper or cover in which the poison is contained with thename of the article, the word "poison," and the name and place of business ofthe seller; and every registered pharmacist selling or dispensing any of thesepoisons shall first enter in a book, to be kept for that purpose only, andsubject always to inspection by the board of pharmacy or any officer or agentof the board or other proper authority, and to be preserved for at least five(5) years, a record of the sale or dispensing; provided, that if any of thepoisons form a part of the ingredients of any medicine or medicines compoundedin accordance with the written prescription of a medical practitioner, themedicine need not be labeled with the word "poison"; but all prescriptions,whether or not composed in part or in whole of any of these ingredients, shallbe carefully kept by the pharmacist on a file or in a book used for thatpurpose only and numbered in the order in which they are received or dispensed,and every box, bottle, vial, vessel, or packet containing medicines sodispensed shall be labeled with the name and place of business of theregistered pharmacist so dispensing the medicine, and be numbered with a numbercorresponding with that on the original prescription retained by the pharmaciston the book or file. The prescriptions shall be preserved at least five (5)years and shall be open to the inspection of the writer of them, and a copyshall be furnished free of expense whenever demanded by either the writer orthe purchaser.