§ 21-31.1-12 Extra-label use. The extra-label use of any veterinary drug in or on a food-producing animal byany person other than a veterinarian or a person working under the control of aveterinarian is a prohibited act. Extra-label use of these drugs by or on theorder of a veterinarian is not prohibited provided all the following conditionsare met:
(1) A careful medical diagnosis is made by the veterinarianwithin the context of a valid veterinarian-client/patient relationship.
(2) A determination is made by the veterinarian that there isno marketed drug specifically labeled to treat the condition diagnosed, or thatdrug therapy as recommended by the labeling has been found clinicallyineffective in the animal(s) to be treated.
(3) Procedures are instituted to assure that the identity ofthe treated animal is carefully maintained.
(4) A significantly extended time period is assigned for drugwithdrawal prior to marketing meat, milk, or eggs; steps are taken to assurethat the recommended withdrawal times are met; and no illegal residues occur asdetermined by the U.S. FDA or other federal agency which may have jurisdiction,e.g. USDA, EPA.