§ 21-31.1-13 Prohibited acts. The following acts and the causing of them are prohibited:
(1) The distribution within the state of Rhode Island of aveterinary drug without a valid permit.
(2) The distribution of a prescription veterinary drug to, orits possession by, any person other than the following:
(i) A person holding a permit required by § 21-31.1-4(a).
(ii) A veterinarian's client or his or her agent, providedthat the drug is dispensed by or on the prescription of the veterinarian as therelationship is defined in § 21-31.1-2(13).
(3) The failure to keep records on distribution and receiptof veterinary drugs as required by § 21-31.1-7.
(4) The use of a code or euphemism on records, required by§ 21-31.1-7, which causes the true nature of a veterinary drug to beconcealed.
(5) The failure to permit entry or inspection and collectionof samples as authorized by § 21-31.1-11, or to produce for examinationthe records required to be kept by § 21-31.1-7.
(6) The extra-label use of a veterinary drug by any personexcept as provided by § 21-31.1-12.
(7) The removal or other authorized disposition of a drugwhile under detention as provided by § 21-31.1-15.
(8) The failure to have a valid permit posted as described in§ 21-31.1-1-4(d).