§ 21-31.1-16 Seizure and condemnation. Any veterinary drug found in violation of this chapter shall be liable to beproceeded against and seized and condemned upon petition to the judge of thepolice, county, or circuit court in whose jurisdiction the drug is found. Anydrug condemned under this section shall, after entry of the decree, be disposedof by destruction or sale as the court may direct and the proceeds of the sale,if sold, less the legal costs and charges, shall be paid into the treasury ofthe state of Rhode Island; but these articles shall not be sold or disposed ofcontrary to the provisions of this chapter; provided, that after entry of thedecree and upon the payment of the costs of the proceedings and the executionof a good and sufficient bond conditioned that the article shall not be sold ordisposed of contrary to the provisions of this chapter, the court may by orderdirect that the drug be delivered to its owner, to be destroyed or brought intocompliance by obtaining a permit or delivery to a permit holder under thesupervision of an authorized representative of the director, and the expensesof the supervision shall be paid by the person obtaining release of the drugunder bond.