§ 21-31-13 Poisonous or deleterioussubstance Regulations as to use. (a) Any poisonous or deleterious substance added to any food, except where thesubstance is required in the production of it or cannot be avoided by goodmanufacturing practice, shall be deemed to be unsafe for purposes of theapplication of § 21-31-10(1)(ii); but when a substance is required orcannot be avoided, the director of health shall promulgate regulations limitingthe quantity in it or on it to the extent that the director of health findsnecessary for the protection of public health, and any quantity exceeding thelimits fixed shall also be deemed to be unsafe for purposes of the applicationof § 21-31-10(1)(ii). While a regulation is in effect limiting thequantity of any substance in the case of any food, that food shall not, byreason of bearing or containing any added amount of the substance, beconsidered to be adulterated within the meaning of § 31-21-10(1)(i). Indetermining the quality of the added substance to be tolerated in or ondifferent articles of food, the director of health shall take into account theextent to which the use of the substance is required or cannot be avoided inthe production of each article and the other ways in which the consumer may beaffected by the same or other poisonous or deleterious substances.
(b) To assist the director in carrying out his or herresponsibilities under this section, the director is authorized to collect foodsamples and to provide laboratory analyses to further the purposes of thischapter.