§ 21-31-21 Inspection of establishments. (a) The director of health or the director's duly authorized agent shall havefree access at all reasonable hours to any factory, warehouse, or otherestablishment, except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), in which foods,drugs, devices, or cosmetics are manufactured, processed, packed, or held forintroduction into commerce, or to enter any vehicle being used to transport orhold the foods, drugs, devices, or cosmetics in commerce, for the purpose:
(1) Of inspecting the factory, warehouse, establishment, orvehicle to determine if any of the provisions of this chapter are beingviolated; and
(2) To secure samples or specimens of any food, drug, device,or cosmetic after paying or offering to pay for the sample. It shall be theduty of the director of health to make or cause to be made examinations ofsamples secured under the provisions of this section to determine whether ornot any provision of this chapter is being violated.
(b) The director of health, the members of the state board ofpharmacy, and the pharmacy inspectors and the narcotics inspectors in thedepartment of health shall make the inspections and secure the samples ofspecimens and enforce the provisions of this chapter as the chapter applies topharmacies.