§ 21-31-7 Violations reported to attorneygeneral Notice and hearing on violation. It shall be the duty of the attorney general, to whom the director of healthreports any violation of this chapter, to cause appropriate proceedings to beinstituted in the proper courts without delay and to be prosecuted in themanner required by law. Before any violation of this chapter, except thoseviolations which involve attempts to procure or procurement of drugs byunlawful means, or the unlawful manufacture, possession, sale, barter, gift,transfer, or delivery in any manner to another of a drug as defined in thischapter, is reported to the attorney general for the institution of a criminalproceeding, the person against whom the proceeding is contemplated shall begiven appropriate notice and opportunity to present his or her views before thedirector of health or the director's designated agent, either orally or inwriting in person, or by attorney, with regard to the contemplated proceeding.