§ 21-4.1-3 Powers and duties. (a) The commission shall set the minimum price paid to the producer for Class 1milk.
(b) The commission shall conduct independent studies andreviews of the economics and practices of the milk industry in order todetermine whether any producer or dealer is engaged in predatory pricing orother anticompetitive activity in violation of § 6-13-2.1.
(c) The commission may adopt, promulgate and enforce allrules, regulations and orders necessary to the commission's performance of itsduties under this chapter.
(d) Every producer and every dealer shall keep and render tothe commission, at the times and in the manner and form as shall be prescribedby the rules and regulations of the director, accounts of all businesstransacted which is related to the production, purchasing, processing,distribution or sale of milk in this state. Those accounts shall reasonably andaccurately reflect, in any detail that the commission deems necessary andappropriate: (1) milk prices generally, (2) container costs, (3) pricecategories relating to different quantities of milk packaged and sold inseparate containers, (4) distribution costs, and (5) any other matters whichaffect or which are relevant to retail milk prices in this state.
(e) All information collected and renamed by the commissionin the performance of its duties shall be confidential, except that theinformation may be disclosed to public officials when necessary or appropriateto the performance of their official duties. Collective information of ageneral statistical nature may be reported.
(f) The commission shall conduct any public hearings that itdeems necessary and appropriate to its performance of its duties under thischapter.