§ 21-9-13 Regulations. (a) The authority to promulgate regulations for the efficient enforcement ofthis chapter is vested in the director of health, and he or she is authorizedto promulgate, among others, regulations, definitions, and standards which arenot inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter to govern the manufacture,labeling, transportation, advertising, and sale of frozen desserts and frozendessert mixes, and the employee health standards and the sanitary conditions ofthe buildings, grounds, equipment, containers, and vehicles where thoseproducts are handled, manufactured, transported, sold, and/or stored.
(b) Whenever the action will promote honesty and fair dealingin the interest of consumers, the director of health shall promulgateregulations fixing and establishing for frozen desserts and frozen dessertmixes definitions and standards of identity and quality and reasonablestandards of fill of containers. In prescribing a definition and standard ofidentity for frozen desserts and frozen dessert mixes in which optionalingredients are permitted, the director of health shall, for the purpose ofpromoting honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers, designate theoptional ingredients which shall be named on the label.
(c) The definitions and standards promulgated under theprovisions of this chapter shall conform as far as practicable to thedefinitions and standards promulgated under the authority of 21 U.S.C. §341.
(d) Hearings authorized or required by this chapter shall beconducted by the director of health or any officer, agent, or employee that thedirector of health may designate for the purpose.
(e) The adoption of regulations shall be in accordance withchapter 35 of title 42.