§ 22-1-2 Districts. The state is hereby divided into thirty-eight (38) senatorial districts boundedand described as follows:
(1) It is understood and intended that for the purpose ofthis section a line described as running on, along, to or through any street(including road, avenue, lane, way, parkway, expressway, divided highway, stateroute or interstate route, or trail), stream or river, is intended to mean thecenter line of that street, stream or river, in all instances, unless it shallbe otherwise specified.
(2) It is further understood and intended that for thepurpose of this section, the districts described in this section shall becomposed of United States census geography (tracts and blocks), as defined bythe 2000 version of the "TIGER" files from the United States Census Bureau,whose boundaries correspond to the below metes and bounds set forth in thissection and which are hereby made a part of this chapter. A listing of whichcensus blocks are contained within each district shall be deemed to beincorporated by reference.
(3) It is further understood and intended that for thepurpose of this section, the districts will be depicted on thirty-nine (39)maps, compiled by Election Data Services, Inc. for each city and town, andhereinafter may be referred to as town maps.
(ii) The secretary of state shall keep a copy of each set ofthe foregoing maps and a copy of the census tract and block listing availablefor inspection during ordinary business hours at his or her office. Thesecretary of state shall furnish each city and town a copy of the town mapcovering that particular city or town within ten (10) days from the passage ofthis act.
(iii) For purposes of this title, references to "tract" or"CT" shall mean "census tract", as that demographic unit is established by theUnited States Bureau of the Census for the 2000 census as described by maps andpublications of the bureau. References to "block", "blocks", "block groups","enumeration district", or "enumeration districts", refer to those demographicunits as established by the United States Census Bureau for the 2000 census asdescribed by maps and publications of the bureau.
(iv) Any reference to a "city or town", "city or townboundaries", or "city or town limits" shall refer to the boundaries or limitsof the particular city or town as they existed on January 1, 2000.
(v) In the census tract and block listing, the first two (2)digits of a census description shall refer to the state of Rhode Island (44),the next three (3) digits of a census description shall refer to the county inwhich the district lies. Bristol county carries the code 001; Kent countycarries the code 003; Newport county carries the code 005; Providence countycarries the code 007 and Washington county carries the code 009. The next six(6) digits refer to the census tract within the county set forth in thedescription. The last four (4) digits refer to the census block within thecensus tract. "TIGER" is an acronym for the computer readable geographic database that automates the mapping and related geographic activities required tosupport the United States' Census Bureau's census and survey programs andstands for "Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing."
(vi) If any census tract, block, block group, or enumerationdistrict is omitted, listed more than once, or is only partially provided for,it is intended that the districts be defined in such a manner as to not omitany area of Rhode Island from a district and to comply with the standard ofArticles VII and VIII of the Rhode Island Constitution requiring that districtsbe reasonably equal. In order to carry out the intent of the general assemblyas expressed in this section the secretary of state, shall if necessary,undertake measures to insure compliance with this section.
(vii) In the event of a discrepancy between the metes andbounds description, the description of census tracts and blocks, and the mapswhich shall be on file with the secretary of state, then the listing of censustracts and blocks shall take precedence and be controlling.
=bi First district: The first senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Academy street and Smith street; thencesoutheasterly along Smith street to Oakland avenue; thence northerly on Oaklandavenue to Eaton street; thence westerly on Eaton street to Huxley avenue;thence northerly on Huxley avenue to Admiral street; thence easterly on Admiralstreet to Douglas avenue; thence northwesterly on Douglas avenue to Corinastreet; thence northeasterly on Corina street to Appian street; thencenorthwesterly on Appian street to Corina street; thence northeasterly on Corinastreet to Glasgow street; thence southeasterly on Glasgow street to Anchorstreet; thence northeasterly on Anchor street to Yorkshire street; thenceeasterly on Yorkshire street to Hawkins street; thence northeasterly on Hawkinsstreet to Branch avenue; thence southeasterly on Branch avenue to Charlesstreet; thence northerly on Charles street to Marietta street; thencenortheasterly on Marietta street to Hall street; thence northerly on Hallstreet to Ledge street; thence easterly on Ledge street to Job street; thencenortherly on Job street to De Pinedo street; thence easterly on De Pinedostreet to Silver Spring street; thence northeasterly on Silver Spring streetand continuing on Selkirk street to the Providence-Pawtucket boundary line;thence easterly along the Providence-Pawtucket boundary line to Hillsideavenue; thence southeasterly on Hillside avenue to Chace drive; thencesoutherly on Chace drive to Chace avenue; thence westerly on Chace avenue toHighland street; thence southwesterly on Highland street to 3rd street; thencesoutheasterly on 3rd street to Creston way; thence northeasterly on Creston wayto Summit avenue; thence southeasterly on Summit avenue to Memorial road;thence westerly on Memorial road to Camp street; thence southerly on Campstreet to Woodbine street; thence westerly on Woodbine street to Main street;thence southwesterly on Main street to Branch avenue; thence northwesterly onBranch avenue to interstate route 95; thence southerly on interstate route 95to the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thence southerly on the NewYork, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to Smith street; thence easterly on Smithstreet to Canal street; thence southeasterly on Canal street to the ProvidenceRiver; thence southeasterly on the Providence River to Exchange terrace; thencesouthwesterly on Exchange terrace to Memorial boulevard; thence westerly onMemorial boulevard and continuing on Rhode Island route 10 and U.S. Highway 6to Atwells avenue; thence westerly on Atwells avenue to Mount Pleasant avenue;thence northerly on Mount Pleasant avenue to Chalkstone avenue; thence easterlyon Chalkstone avenue to Rowan street; thence northerly on Rowan street toGlover street; thence northeasterly on Glover street to Home avenue; thencenortheasterly on Home avenue to Farm street; thence easterly on Farm street toAcademy avenue; thence northerly on Academy avenue to the point of origin.
=bi Second district: The second senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Rhode Island route 10 and Westminster street;thence easterly on Westminster street to Messer street; thence southerly onMesser street to Wood street; thence easterly on Wood street to Sycamorestreet; thence southerly on Sycamore street to Chapin avenue; thence easterlyon Chapin avenue to Cranston street; thence northeasterly on Cranston street toDexter street; thence southeasterly on Dexter street to Cromwell street; thenceeasterly on Cromwell street to Elmwood avenue; thence northerly on Elmwoodavenue to Parkis avenue; thence easterly on Parkis avenue to Broad street;thence southeasterly on Broad street to Hawthorne avenue; thence southwesterlyon Hawthorne avenue to F.C. Greene Memorial boulevard; thence southeasterly onF.C. Greene Memorial boulevard to Park path; thence southeasterly on Park pathto F.C. Greene Memorial boulevard; thence easterly on F.C. Greene Memorialboulevard and continuing on Montgomery avenue to the Cranston-Providenceboundary line; thence southerly and westerly along the Cranston-Providenceboundary line and continuing northerly and westerly along theCranston-Providence boundary line to Rhode Island route 10; thence northerly onRhode Island route 10 to the point of origin.
=bi Third district: The third senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Hillside avenue and the Providence-Pawtucketboundary line; thence easterly along the Providence-Pawtucket boundary line tothe Providence-East Providence boundary line; thence southerly along theProvidence-East Providence boundary line to Wilkes Barre Pier; thence westerlyalong Wilkes Barre Pier to the mid-point of the Providence Harbor channel wherethe Providence River meets the Seekonk River; thence northerly along themid-point of the Providence River to Crawford street; thence easterly onCrawford street to Water street; thence southerly on Water street to Packetstreet; thence easterly on Packet street to Main street; thence northerly onMain street and North Main street to Canal street; thence northeasterly onCanal street to Olney street; thence easterly on Olney street to Hope street;thence northeasterly on Hope street to Cypress street; thence westerly onCypress street to Ivy street; thence northeasterly on Ivy street to Foreststreet; thence westerly on Forest street to Camp street; thence northerly andnorthwesterly on Camp street to Memorial road; thence northerly on Memorialroad to Summit avenue; thence northerly on Summit avenue to Creston way; thencesouthwesterly on Creston way to 3rd street; thence northwesterly on 3rd streetto Highland avenue; thence northeasterly on Highland avenue to Chace drive;thence northerly on Chace drive to Chace avenue; thence easterly on Chaceavenue to Hillside avenue; thence westerly on Hillside avenue to the point oforigin.
=bi Fourth district: The fourth senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the town of North Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of the Lincoln-North Providence boundary line andDouglas avenue; thence northeasterly along the Lincoln-North Providenceboundary line to Angell road; thence southerly on Angell road and continuing onLexington avenue to Mineral Spring avenue; thence westerly on Mineral Springavenue to Douglas avenue; thence southeasterly on Douglas avenue toProvidence-North Providence boundary line; thence southwesterly alongProvidence-North Providence boundary line to Smith street; thence northwesterlyon Smith street to Dewey avenue; thence northerly on Dewey avenue to Hobsonavenue; thence northeasterly on Hobson avenue to Central avenue; thencenorthwesterly on Central avenue to Mineral Spring avenue; thence westerly onMineral Spring avenue to Locust avenue; thence northerly on Locust avenue toLawnacre drive; thence northeasterly on Lawnacre drive to Smithfield road;thence southeasterly on Smithfield road to Rayna road; thence northerly onRayna road to Mountain View road; thence southeasterly and then northerly onMountain View road to Wenscott lane; thence northerly on Wenscott lane toDouglas avenue; thence northwesterly on Douglas avenue to the point of origin.
The fourth senatorial district shall also consist of all ofthat part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the Providence-North Providence boundary line and Smith street;thence northeasterly along the Providence-North Providence boundary line andthe Providence-Pawtucket boundary line to Selkirk street; thence southerly onSelkirk street and continuing on Silver Spring Street to De Pinedo street;thence westerly on De Pinedo street to Job street; thence southerly on Jobstreet to Ledge street; thence westerly on Ledge street to Hall street; thencesoutherly on Hall street to Marietta street; thence southwesterly on Mariettastreet to Charles street; thence southerly on Charles street to Branch avenue;thence westerly on Branch avenue to Hawkins street; thence southwesterly onHawkins street to Yorkshire street; thence westerly on Yorkshire street toAnchor street; thence southwesterly on Anchor street to Glasgow street; thencewesterly on Glasgow street to Corina street; thence southwesterly on Corinastreet to Appian street; thence southeasterly on Appian street to Corinastreet; thence southwesterly on Corina street to Douglas avenue; thencesoutheasterly on Douglas avenue to Admiral street; thence westerly on Admiralstreet to Huxley avenue; thence southerly on Huxley avenue to Eaton street;thence easterly on Eaton street to Oakland avenue; thence southerly on Oaklandavenue to Smith street; thence northwesterly on Smith street to the point oforigin.
=bi Fifth district: The fifth senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Mount Pleasant avenue and Atwells avenue;thence easterly on Atwells avenue to Rhode Island route 10; thence easterly onRhode Island route 10 and U.S. Highway 6 to Memorial boulevard; thencenortheasterly on Memorial boulevard to Exchange terrace; thence northeasterlyon Exchange terrace to the mid-point of the Providence River; thencesoutheasterly along the mid-point of the Providence River to Westminsterstreet; thence southwesterly on Westminster street to Dorrance street; thencesoutheasterly on Dorrance street to Middle street; thence southwesterly onMiddle street to Union street; thence northwesterly on Union street toWestminster street; thence southwesterly on Westminster street to Fennerstreet; thence southeasterly on Fenner street to Pond street; thencesouthwesterly on Pond street to Franklin street; thence northwesterly onFranklin street to Westminster street; thence westerly on Westminster street toHarrison street; thence southerly on Harrison street to Powhatan street; thencewesterly on Powhatan street to Dexter street; thence southerly on Dexter streetto Cranston street; thence southwesterly on Cranston street to Chaplin street;thence westerly on Chaplin street to Sycamore street; thence northerly onSycamore street to Wood street; thence westerly on Wood street to Messerstreet; thence northerly on Messer street to Westminster street; thencewesterly on Westminster street to Rhode Island route 10; thence southerly onRhode Island route 10 to the Cranston-Providence boundary line; thencenorthwesterly and then westerly along the Cranston-Providence boundary line toTerrace avenue; thence northwesterly on Terrace avenue to Laurel Hill avenue;thence northwesterly on Laurel Hill avenue to Pocasset avenue; thence easterlyon Pocasset avenue to Webster avenue; thence northerly on Webster avenue toLaban street; thence easterly on Laban street to Heath street; thence northerlyon Heath street to Eastwood avenue; thence westerly on Eastwood avenue toLaurel Hill avenue; thence northerly on Laurel Hill avenue to Hartford avenue;thence westerly on Hartford avenue to Flower street; thence northerly on Flowerstreet to Dresser street; thence westerly on Dresser street to Ponagansettavenue; thence northerly on Ponagansett avenue to Mattie street; thencenorthwesterly on Mattie street to Melissa street; thence northerly on Melissastreet to the Woonasquatucket River; thence northwesterly on theWoonasquatucket River to U.S. highway 6; thence easterly on U.S. highway 6 toRichland street; thence northwesterly on Richland street to Fairfield avenue;thence northerly on Fairfield avenue to Manton avenue; thence westerly onManton avenue to Rushmore avenue; thence northerly on Rushmore avenue toActinia street; thence easterly on Actinia street to Imera street; thencenortherly on Imera street to Chalkstone avenue; thence easterly on Chalkstoneavenue to Mount Pleasant avenue; thence southerly on Mount Pleasant avenue tothe point of origin.
=bi Sixth district: The sixth senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Branch avenue and interstate route 95; thencesoutheasterly on Branch avenue to North Main street; thence northeasterly onNorth Main street to Woodbine street; thence easterly on Woodbine street toCamp street; thence southerly on Camp street to Forest street; thence easterlyon Forest street to Ivy street; thence southerly on Ivy street to Cypressstreet; thence easterly on Cypress street to Hope street; thence southerly onHope street to Olney street; thence westerly on Olney street to North Mainstreet; thence southerly on North Main street and South Main Street to Packetstreet; thence westerly on Packet street to Water street; thence northerly onWater street to Crawford street; thence southwesterly on Crawford street to themid-point of the Providence River; thence southerly along the mid-point of theProvidence River to a point due west of Wilkes Barre Pier and then easterlyfrom that point to the Providence-East Providence boundary line; thencesoutheasterly and then westerly along the Providence-East Providence boundaryline to the Cranston-Providence boundary line; thence westerly on theCranston-Providence boundary line to Montgomery avenue; thence westerly onMontgomery avenue to F. C. Greene Memorial boulevard; thence westerly on F. C.Greene Memorial boulevard to Park path; thence northerly on Park path to F. C.Greene Memorial boulevard; thence westerly on F. C. Greene Memorial boulevardto Hawthorne avenue; thence northeasterly on Hawthorne avenue to Broad street;thence northwesterly on Broad street to Parkis avenue; thence westerly onParkis avenue to Elmwood avenue; thence southerly on Elmwood avenue to Cromwellstreet; thence westerly on Cromwell street to Dexter street; thence northerlyon Dexter street to Powhatan street; thence easterly on Powhatan street toHarrison street; thence northerly on Harrison street to Westminster street;thence westerly on Westminster street to Franklin street; thence southeasterlyon Franklin street to Pond street; thence easterly on Pond street to Fennerstreet; thence northwesterly on Fenner street to Westminster street; thencenortheasterly on Westminster street to Union street; thence southeasterly onUnion street to Middle street; thence northeasterly on Middle street toDorrance street; thence northwesterly on Dorrance street to Westminster street;thence northeasterly on Westminster street to the Providence River; thencenortherly on the Providence River to Canal street; thence northerly on Canalstreet to Smith street; thence westerly on Smith street to the New York, NewHaven and Hartford Railroad; thence northwesterly on the New York, New Havenand Hartford Railroad to interstate route 95; thence northerly on interstateroute 95 to the point of origin.
=bi Seventh district: The seventh senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the town of North Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of the Lincoln-North Providence boundary line andDouglas avenue; thence southeasterly on Douglas avenue to Wenscott lane; thencesouthwesterly on Wenscott lane to Meadow View boulevard; thence southeasterlyand then southwesterly on Meadow View boulevard to Rayna road; thence southerlyon Rayna road to Smithfield road; thence northwesterly on Smithfield road toLawnacre drive; thence southwesterly on Lawnacre drive to Locust avenue; thencesoutherly on Locust avenue to Mineral Spring avenue; thence easterly on MineralSpring avenue to Central avenue; thence southeasterly on Central avenue toHobson avenue; thence southwesterly on Hobson avenue to Dewey avenue; thencesoutherly on Dewey avenue to Smith street; thence southeasterly on Smith streetto the Providence-North Providence boundary line; thence southwesterly alongthe Providence-North Providence boundary line to the Providence-Johnstonboundary line; thence northwesterly along the Providence-Johnston boundary lineto the Smithfield-North Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly alongthe Smithfield-North Providence boundary line and continuing easterly along theLincoln-North Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
The seventh senatorial district shall also consist of all ofthat part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the Providence-North Providence boundary line and Smith street;thence southeasterly on Smith street to Academy avenue; thence southerly onAcademy avenue to Farm street; thence westerly on Farm street to Home avenue;thence southerly on Home avenue to Glover street; thence southwesterly onGlover street to Rowan street; thence southerly on Rowan street to Chalkstoneavenue; thence westerly on Chalkstone avenue to Imera street; thence southerlyon Imera street to Actinia street; thence westerly on Actinia street toRushmore avenue; thence southerly on Rushmore avenue to Manton avenue; thenceeasterly on Manton avenue to Fairfield avenue; thence southwesterly onFairfield avenue to Richland street; thence southeasterly on Richland street toU.S. Highway 6; thence westerly on U.S. Highway 6 to the Woonasquatucket River;thence southeasterly on the Woonasquatucket River to Melissa street; thencesoutherly on Melissa street to Mattie street; thence southeasterly on Mattiestreet to Ponagansett avenue; thence southerly on Ponagansett avenue to Dresserstreet; thence easterly on Dresser street to Flower street; thence southerly onFlower street to Hartford avenue; thence easterly on Hartford avenue to LaurelHill avenue; thence southerly on Laurel Hill avenue to Eastwood avenue; thenceeasterly on Eastwood avenue to Heath street; thence southerly on Heath streetto Laban street; thence westerly on Laban street to Webster avenue; thencesoutherly on Webster avenue to Pocasset avenue; thence westerly on Pocassetavenue to Laurel Hill avenue; thence southerly on Laurel Hill avenue to Terraceavenue; thence southeasterly on Terrace avenue to the Providence-Cranstonboundary line; thence westerly along the Providence-Cranston boundary line tothe Providence-Johnston boundary line; thence northwesterly along theProvidence-Johnston boundary line to the Providence-North Providence boundaryline; thence northeasterly along the Providence-North Providence boundary lineto the point of origin.
=bi Eighth district: The eighth senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of the Pawtucket-Central Falls boundary line andthe Rhode Island-Massachusetts state boundary line; thence northeasterly andsoutherly along the Rhode Island-Massachusetts state boundary line to CentralPond; thence westerly on the northern shore of Central Pond to Ten Mile River;thence northeasterly and then westerly on Ten Mile River to the southernboundary of Slater Memorial Park; thence westerly along the southern boundaryof Slater Memorial Park to Newport avenue; thence northerly on Newport avenueto Federal street; thence westerly on Federal street to Bloomfield street;thence northerly on Bloomfield street to Empire street; thence westerly onEmpire street to Burgess avenue; thence southerly on Burgess avenue to Balchstreet; thence westerly on Balch street to York avenue; thence northerly onYork avenue to Division street; thence westerly on Division street to Blissstreet; thence northwesterly on Bliss street to Division street; thencewesterly on Division street to South Bend street; thence northerly on SouthBend street to Bend street; thence northerly on Bend street to Central avenue;thence westerly on Central avenue to the Pawtucket-Central Falls boundary line;thence northerly on the Pawtucket-Central Falls boundary line to the point oforigin.
=bi Ninth district: The ninth senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of West Warwick bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of the West Warwick-Coventry boundary line andthe West Warwick-Cranston boundary line; thence easterly along the WestWarwick-Cranston boundary line to the West Warwick-Warwick boundary line;thence generally southwesterly along the West Warwick-Warwick boundary line toEast Greenwich Avenue; thence westerly on East Greenwich Avenue; thencesouthwesterly on Greenbush Road to April Court; thence northwesterly on AprilCourt to the West Warwick-Coventry boundary line; thence northerly along theWest Warwick-Coventry boundary line to the point of origin.
=bi Tenth district: The tenth senatorial district shallconsist of all of the town of Warren.
The tenth senatorial district shall also consist of all ofthat part of the town of Bristol bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of Pawtucket Avenue and the Bristol-Warren boundary line; thencenortheasterly and southerly along the Bristol-Warren boundary line to theBristol-Tiverton boundary line in Mount Hope Bay; thence southwesterly alongthe Bristol-Tiverton boundary line to its intersection with Clipper Way; thencewesterly on Clipper Way to Viking Drive; thence northwesterly on Viking Driveto Glenview Drive; thence westerly on Glenview Drive to Ruth Avenue; thencesoutherly on Ruth Avenue to Hopeworth Avenue; thence westerly on HopeworthAvenue to Bray Lane; thence northerly on Bray Lane to River Street; thencewesterly on River Street to its intersection with Violet Court; thencenortherly along the Violet Court extension (boundary line between census blocks440010309013001 and 440010309013000) to Roosevelt Drive; thence westerly onRoosevelt Drive to Metacom Avenue; thence northerly on Metacom Avenue toMichael Drive; thence easterly on Michael Drive to Christopher Drive; thencenortherly on Christopher Drive to Sherman Avenue; thence easterly on ShermanAvenue to Normand Street; thence northerly on Normand Street to San MiguelDrive; thence westerly on San Miguel Drive to Hawthorne Avenue; thencenortherly on Hawthorne Avenue to Butterworth Avenue; thence westerly onButterworth Avenue to Mount Pleasant Avenue; thence northeasterly on MountPleasant Avenue to Loveland Avenue; thence easterly on Loveland Avenue toPawtucket Avenue; thence northerly on Pawtucket Avenue to the point of origin.
The tenth senatorial district shall also consist of all ofthat part of the town of Tiverton bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the Tiverton-Warren boundary line in Mount Hope Bay and theRhode Island-Massachusetts state boundary line; thence southeasterly andsoutherly along the Rhode Island-Massachusetts state boundary line to PershingAvenue; thence westerly on Pershing Avenue to Sawdy Pond Avenue; thencesoutherly on Sawdy Pond Avenue to Wood Avenue; thence southwesterly on WoodAvenue to Crandall Road; thence northerly on Crandall Road to Bulgarmarsh Road;thence westerly on Bulgarmarsh Road to Main Road; thence southerly on Main Roadto Seapowet Avenue; thence westerly on Seapowet Avenue and its northerlyextension (boundary line between census blocks 440050417001010 and440050417001004) to the Tiverton-Portsmouth boundary line in the SakonnetRiver; thence northerly along the Tiverton-Portsmouth boundary line to theTiverton-Bristol boundary line in Mount Hope Bay; thence northeasterly alongthe Tiverton-Bristol boundary line to the Tiverton-Warren boundary line inMount Hope Bay; thence continuing northeasterly along the Tiverton-Warrenboundary line to the point of origin.
=bi Eleventh district: The eleventh senatorial district shallconsist of all of that part of the town of Bristol bounded by a line beginningat the intersection of Bristol Harbor and State Street; thence easterly onState Street to Thames Street; thence northerly on Thames Street to FranklinStreet; thence easterly on Franklin Street to Wood Street; thence northerly onWood Street to St. Elizabeth Street; thence easterly on St. Elizabeth Street toGary Street; thence northerly on Gary Street to Roma Street; thence easterly onRoma Street to Buttonwood Avenue; thence northerly on Buttonwood Avenue toBayview Avenue; thence easterly on Bayview Avenue to Metacom Avenue; thencenortherly on Metacom Avenue to Roosevelt Drive; thence easterly on RooseveltDrive to its intersection with the extension of Violet Street; thence southerlyon the Violet Street extension (boundary line between census blocks440010309013000 and 40010309013001) to River Street; thence easterly on RiverStreet to Bray Lane; thence southerly on Bray Lane to Hopeworth Avenue; thenceeasterly on Hopeworth Avenue to Ruth Avenue; thence northerly on Ruth Avenue toGlenview Drive; thence easterly on Glenview Drive to Viking Drive; thencesoutheasterly on Viking Drive to Clipper Way; thence easterly on Clipper Way toMount Hope Bay; thence southwesterly through Mount Hope Bay to theBristol-Tiverton boundary line; thence southwesterly along the Bristol-Tivertonboundary line to the Bristol-Portsmouth boundary line; thence continuingsouthwesterly and northwesterly along the Bristol-Portsmouth boundary line toBristol Harbor; thence northerly along the eastern shore of Bristol Harbor tothe point of origin.
The eleventh senatorial district shall also consist of all ofthe town of Portsmouth.
=bi Twelfth district: The twelfth senatorial district shallconsist of all of the town of Middletown.
The twelfth senatorial district shall also consist of all ofthat part of the town of Tiverton not included in the tenth senatorial district.
The twelfth senatorial district shall also consist of all ofthat part of the town of Little Compton.
The twelfth senatorial district shall also consist of all ofthat part of the city of Newport bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of Broadway and the Newport-Middletown boundary line; thencesoutheasterly along the Newport-Middletown boundary line to North Easton Pond;thence southerly along the western shore of North Easton Pond to theNewport-Middletown boundary line; thence southeasterly along theNewport-Middletown boundary line to South Easton Pond; thence westerly alongthe north shore of South Easton Pond to Champlin Street; thence westerly onChamplin Street to Rhode Island Avenue; thence northerly on Rhode Island Avenueto Kay Street; thence southwesterly on Kay Street to Cranston Avenue; thencenorthwesterly on Cranston Avenue to Broadway; thence northeasterly on Broadwayto the point of origin.
=bi Thirteenth district: The thirteenth senatorial districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of Newport not included in thetwelfth senatorial district.
The thirteenth senatorial district shall also consist of allof the town of Jamestown.
=bi Fourteenth district: The fourteenth senatorial districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of George Bennett highway and Division street;thence easterly on Division street to York avenue; thence southerly on Yorkavenue to Balch street; thence easterly on Balch street to Burgess avenue;thence northeasterly on Burgess avenue to Empire street; thence easterly onEmpire street to Bloomfield street; thence southerly on Bloomfield street toFederal street; thence easterly on Federal street to Newport avenue; thencesoutheasterly on Newport avenue to the southern boundary of Slater MemorialPark; thence easterly along the southern boundary of Slater Memorial Park toTen Mile River; thence easterly and southerly on Ten Mile River to the northernshore of Central Pond; thence easterly on the northern shore of Central Pond tothe Rhode Island-Massachusetts boundary line; thence southerly along the RhodeIsland-Massachusetts boundary line to the Pawtucket-East Providence boundaryline; thence westerly along the Pawtucket-East Providence boundary line to theNew York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thence northerly on the New York,New Haven and Hartford Railroad to Beverage Hill avenue; thence southeasterlyon Beverage Hill avenue to George Bennett highway; thence northerly on GeorgeBennett highway to the point of origin.
The fourteenth senatorial district shall also consist of allof that part of the city of East Providence bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the East Providence-Providence boundary line and the EastProvidence-Pawtucket boundary line; thence easterly along the EastProvidence-Pawtucket boundary line to the Rhode Island-Massachusetts boundaryline; thence southerly along the Rhode Island-Massachusetts boundary line toNewman avenue; thence westerly on Newman avenue to Pawtucket avenue; thencesoutheasterly and southwesterly on Pawtucket avenue to Hazelwood avenue; thencewesterly on Hazelwood avenue to Brightridge avenue; thence northwesterly onBrightridge avenue to Lena street; thence southwesterly on Lena street toCharity street; thence southerly on Charity street to Bliss street; thencewesterly on Bliss street to South Broadway; thence northerly on South Broadwayto Juniper street; thence westerly on Juniper street to Fleming street; thencesoutherly on Fleming street to Fort street; thence northwesterly on Fort streetto Lyon avenue; thence southwesterly on Lyon avenue to Veterans MemorialParkway; thence southeasterly on Veterans Memorial Parkway to Watchemoket Cove;thence southwesterly along the southeastern shore of Watchemoket Cove to theEast Providence-Providence boundary line; thence northwesterly andnortheasterly along the East Providence-Providence boundary line to the pointof origin.
=bi Fifteenth district: The fifteenth senatorial districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of the Pawtucket-Central Falls boundary line andCentral avenue; thence easterly on Central avenue to Bend street; thencesoutherly on Bend street to South Bend street; thence southerly on South Bendstreet to Division street; thence easterly on Division street to Bliss street;thence southeasterly on Bliss street to George Bennett highway; thencesoutheasterly on George Bennett highway to Beverage Hill avenue; thencewesterly on Beverage Hill avenue to New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad;thence southerly on New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad to thePawtucket-East Providence boundary line; thence westerly along thePawtucket-East Providence boundary line to the Pawtucket-Providence boundaryline; thence continuing westerly on the Pawtucket-Providence boundary line tothe New York, New Haven, and Hartford railroad tracks; thence northerly on theNew York, New Haven, and Hartford railroad tracks to the Moshassuck ValleyRailroad; thence northerly on the Moshassuck Valley Railroad to Weeden street;thence easterly on Weeden street to Lonsdale avenue; thence southerly onLonsdale avenue to Mineral Spring avenue; thence easterly on Mineral Springavenue to Main street; thence northeasterly on Main street to Park place;thence northeasterly on Park place to Main street; thence northwesterly on Mainstreet to Broad street; thence northerly on Broad street to Exchange street;thence easterly on Exchange street to the Blackstone River; thence northerlyalong the western bank of the Blackstone River to the Pawtucket-Central Fallsboundary line; thence northerly along the Pawtucket-Central Falls boundary lineto the point of origin.
=bi Sixteenth district: The sixteenth senatorial districtshall consist of all of that part of the town of Cumberland bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of the Cumberland-Lincoln boundary line and Johnstreet; thence easterly on John street to Broad street; thence northerly onBroad street to Dexter street; thence easterly on Dexter street to the RhodeIsland-Massachusetts state boundary line; thence southerly along the RhodeIsland-Massachusetts state boundary line to the Cumberland-Central Fallsboundary line in the Blackstone River; thence northwesterly along theCumberland-Central Falls boundary line to the Cumberland-Lincoln boundary line;thence northwesterly along the Cumberland-Lincoln boundary line to the point oforigin.
The sixteenth senatorial district shall also consist of allof the town of Central Falls.
The sixteenth senatorial district shall also consist of allof that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of Moshassuck Valley Industrial highway and the Pawtucket-CentralFalls boundary line; thence easterly along the Pawtucket-Central Falls boundaryline to the Blackstone River; thence southerly along the Blackstone River toExchange street; thence westerly along Exchange street to Broad street; thencesoutherly on Broad street to Main street; thence southeasterly on Main streetto Park place; thence southwesterly on Park place to Main street; thencecontinuing southwesterly on Main street to Mineral Spring avenue; thencewesterly on Mineral Spring avenue to Lonsdale avenue; thence northerly onLonsdale avenue to Weeden street; thence westerly on Weeden street toMoshassuck Valley Industrial highway; thence northerly on Moshassuck ValleyIndustrial highway to the point of origin.
=bi Seventeenth district: The seventeenth senatorial districtshall consist of all of that part of the town of Lincoln bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of the Lincoln-Smithfield boundary line andLimerock road; thence northeasterly on Limerock road to Wilbur road; thencecontinuing northeasterly on Wilbur road to Eddie Dowling highway; thencenorthwesterly on Eddie Dowling highway to George Washington highway; thenceeasterly on George Washington highway to Rhode Island route 126; thencesoutheasterly on Rhode Island route 126 to River road; thence continuingsoutheasterly on River road to Dexter Rock road; thence southwesterly on DexterRock road to a line extended southeasterly to Bernon drive; thencesoutheasterly along that line (boundary line between census blocks440070117019014 and 440070117019000) to Bernon drive; thence continuingsoutheasterly on Bernon drive to the intersection of northeasterly extension ofDenson road to Bernon drive; thence southwesterly on Denson road to Great road;thence southeasterly on Great road to Front street; thence northeasterly onFront street to John street; thence southeasterly on John street to theLincoln-Cumberland boundary line in the Blackstone River; thence southeasterlyalong the Lincoln-Cumberland boundary line to the Lincoln-Central Fallsboundary line; thence southwesterly along the Lincoln-Central Falls boundaryline to the Lincoln-Pawtucket boundary line; thence southwesterly along theLincoln-Pawtucket boundary line to the Lincoln-North Providence boundary line;thence continuing southwesterly along the Lincoln-North Providence boundaryline to the Lincoln-Smithfield boundary line; thence northwesterly along theLincoln-Smithfield boundary line to the point of origin.
The seventeenth senatorial district shall also consist of allof that part of the city of Pawtucket bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the Pawtucket-North Providence boundary line and thePawtucket-Lincoln boundary line; thence easterly along the Pawtucket-Lincolnboundary line to the Moshassuck Valley Industrial highway; thence southerly onthe Moshassuck Valley Industrial highway to Weeden street; thence westerly onWeeden street to the Moshassuck Valley Railroad; thence southerly on theMoshassuck Valley Railroad to the New York, New Haven, and Hartford railroadtracks; thence southerly on the New York, New Haven, and Hartford railroadtracks to the Pawtucket-Providence boundary line; thence northwesterly alongthe Pawtucket-Providence boundary line to the Pawtucket-North Providenceboundary line; thence northerly along the Pawtucket-North Providence boundaryline to the point of origin.
The seventeenth senatorial district shall also consist of allof that part of the town of North Providence bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of Angell road and the North Providence-Lincoln boundary line;thence northeasterly along the North Providence-Lincoln boundary line to theNorth Providence-Pawtucket boundary line; thence southeasterly along the NorthProvidence-Pawtucket boundary line to the North Providence-Providence boundaryline; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the NorthProvidence-Providence boundary line to Douglas avenue; thence northwesterly onDouglas avenue to Mineral Spring avenue; thence northeasterly on Mineral Springavenue to Lexington avenue; thence northerly on Lexington avenue and continuingon Angell road to the point of origin.
=bi Eighteenth district: The eighteenth senatorial districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of East Providence bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Lyon Avenue and Fort Street; thencesoutheasterly on Fort Street to Fleming Street; thence northerly on FlemingStreet to Juniper Street; thence easterly on Juniper Street to Broadway; thencesoutherly on Broadway to Bliss Street; thence easterly on Bliss Street toCharity Street; thence northerly on Charity Street to Lena Street; thenceeasterly on Lena Street to Brightridge Avenue; thence southeasterly onBrightridge Avenue to Hazelwood; thence continuing southeasterly on Hazelwoodstreet to Pawtucket Avenue; thence northerly on Pawtucket Avenue to NewmanAvenue; thence easterly on Newman Avenue to the Rhode Island-Massachusettsstate boundary line; thence southerly along the Rhode Island-Massachusettsstate boundary line to the East Providence-Barrington boundary line; thencesouthwesterly along the East Providence-Barrington boundary line toNarragansett Bay; thence northerly along the mean low water level on theeastern shore of Narragansett Bay to the East Providence-Providence boundaryline; thence northwesterly along the East Providence-Providence boundary lineto Watchemoket Cove; thence northeasterly along the southeastern shore ofWatchemoket Cove to Veterans Memorial Parkway; thence northwesterly alongVeterans Memorial Parkway to Lyon Avenue; thence northeasterly on Lyon Avenueto the point of origin.
=bi Nineteenth district: The nineteenth senatorial districtshall consist of all of that part of the town of Lincoln bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of the Lincoln-North Smithfield boundary line andthe Lincoln-Woonsocket boundary line; thence northeasterly along theLincoln-Woonsocket boundary line to the Lincoln-Cumberland boundary line;thence southeasterly along the Lincoln-Cumberland boundary line to John Street;thence northwesterly on John Street to Front Street; thence southwesterly onFront Street to Great Road; thence northwesterly on Great Road to Denson Road;thence northeasterly on Denson Road and its extension to its intersection toBernon Drive; thence northwesterly on Bernon Drive to a line extendednorthwesterly to Dexter Rock Road; thence northwesterly along that line(boundary line between census blocks 440070117019000 and 440070117019014) toDexter Rock Road; thence northeasterly on Dexter Rock Road to River Road;thence northwesterly on River Road to Rhode Island Route 126; thence continuingnorthwesterly on Rhode Island Route 126 to George Washington Highway; thencewesterly on George Washington Highway to Eddie Dowling Highway; thencesoutheasterly on Eddie Dowling Highway to Wilbur Road; thence southwesterly onWilbur Road to Limerock Road; thence continuing southwesterly on Limerock Roadto the Lincoln-Smithfield boundary line; thence northwesterly on theLincoln-Smithfield boundary line to the Lincoln-North Smithfield boundary line;thence northerly along the Lincoln-North Smithfield boundary line to the pointof origin.
The nineteenth senatorial district shall consist of all ofthat part of the town of Cumberland bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of Wrentham Road and the Rhode Island-Massachusetts state boundaryline; thence easterly and southerly along the Rhode Island-Massachusetts stateboundary line to Dexter Street; thence southwesterly on Dexter Street to BroadStreet; thence southerly on Broad Street to John Street; thence southwesterlyon John Street to the Cumberland-Lincoln boundary line; thence northwesterlyalong the Cumberland-Lincoln boundary line to Albion Road; thence southeasterlyon Albion Road to Mendon Road; thence northwesterly Mendon Road to Pound Road;thence northeasterly on Pound Road to Little Pond County Road; thencesoutheasterly on Little Pond County Road to Diamond Hill Road; thencenorthwesterly on Diamond Hill Road to Wrentham Road; thence northeasterly onWrentham Road to the point of origin.
=bi Twentieth district: The twentieth senatorial districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of Woonsocket bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Rathbun Street and the RhodeIsland-Massachusetts state boundary line; thence easterly along the RhodeIsland-Massachusetts state boundary line to the Woonsocket-Cumberland boundaryline; thence southwesterly along the Woonsocket-Cumberland boundary line to theWoonsocket-Lincoln boundary line; thence continuing southwesterly along theWoonsocket-Lincoln boundary line to the Woonsocket-North Smithfield boundaryline; thence northwesterly along the Woonsocket-North Smithfield boundary lineto Manville Road; thence northwesterly on Manville Road to Bernon Street;thence westerly on Bernon Street to the Blackstone River; thence northeasterlyon the Blackstone River to Mill River; thence continuing northeasterly on MillRiver to Cumberland Street; thence northwesterly on Cumberland Street toRathbun Street; thence northerly on Rathbun Street to East School Street;thence easterly on East School Street to Social Street; thence northerly onSocial Street to Diamond Hill Road; thence westerly on Diamond Hill Road toRathbun Street; thence northerly on Rathbun Street to the point of origin.
The twentieth senatorial district shall also consist of allof that part of the town of Cumberland bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the Cumberland-Woonsocket boundary line and the RhodeIsland-Massachusetts state boundary line; thence easterly along the RhodeIsland-Massachusetts state boundary line to Wrentham Road; thence southwesterlyon Wrentham Road to Diamond Hill Road; thence southeasterly on Diamond HillRoad to Little Pond County Road; thence northwesterly on Little Pond CountyRoad to Pound Road; thence westerly on Pound Road to Mendon Road; thencesoutherly on Mendon Road to Albion Road; thence northwesterly on Albion Road tothe Cumberland-Lincoln boundary line; thence northwesterly along theCumberland-Lincoln boundary line to the Cumberland-Woonsocket boundary line;thence northeasterly along the Cumberland-Woonsocket boundary line to the pointof origin.
=bi Twenty-first district: The twenty-first senatorialdistrict shall consist of all of the town of Foster.
The twenty-first senatorial district shall also consist ofall of the town of Scituate.
The twenty-first senatorial district shall also consist ofall of that part of the town of Coventry bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the Rhode Island-Connecticut state boundary line and theCoventry-Foster boundary line; thence easterly along the Coventry-Fosterboundary line to the Coventry-Scituate boundary line; thence continuingeasterly along the Coventry-Scituate boundary line to Knotty Oak Road; thencesoutherly on Knotty Oak Road to Washington Street; thence southwesterly onWashington Street to Sandy Bottom Road; thence southerly on Sandy Bottom Roadto Wood Street; thence northwesterly on Wood Street to Rathbun Street; thencesouthwesterly on Rathbun Street to South Main Street; thence continuingsouthwesterly on South Main Street to Tiogue Avenue; thence westerly on TiogueAvenue to Reservoir Road; thence northerly on Reservoir Road to Club HouseRoad; thence westerly on Club House Road to Island Drive; thence southerly onIsland Drive to Osprey Drive; thence southwesterly on Osprey Drive toKingfisher Drive; thence southerly on Kingfisher Drive to Flat River Reservoir;thence northerly and westerly through Flat River Reservoir to Flat River Road;thence westerly on Flat River Road to Hill Farm Road; thence southerly on HillFarm Road to a line extended southwesterly to Coventry Center Pond; thencesouthwesterly along that line (boundary line between census blocks440030207022002 and 440030207022024) to Coventry Center Pond; thencesouthwesterly through Coventry Center Pond to Quidnick Brook; thence westerlyand southerly along Quidnick Brook to Harkney Hill Road; thence southwesterlyon Harkney Hill Road to Victory Highway; thence southerly on Victory Highway tothe Coventry-West Greenwich boundary line; thence westerly along theCoventry-West Greenwich boundary line to the Rhode Island-Connecticut stateboundary line; thence northerly along the Rhode Island-Connecticut stateboundary line to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-second district: The twenty-second senatorialdistrict shall consist of all of that part of the town of North Smithfieldbounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the NorthSmithfield-Burrillville boundary line and the Slatersville Reservoir; thencenortheasterly along the southern shore of Slatersville Reservoir and itsextension (boundary line between census blocks 440070128038006 and440070128011012) to Providence Pike; thence northwesterly on Providence Pike toGreene Street; thence northeasterly on Greene Street to School Street; thencesoutheasterly and northeasterly on School Street to Victory Highway; thencesoutheasterly on Victory Highway to Great Road; thence continuing southeasterlyon Great Road to the North Smithfield-Woonsocket boundary line; thencecontinuing southeasterly on the North Smithfield-Woonsocket boundary line tothe North Smithfield-Lincoln boundary line; thence southerly along the NorthSmithfield-Lincoln boundary line to the North Smithfield-Smithfield boundaryline; thence southwesterly along the North Smithfield-Smithfield boundary lineto the North Smithfield-Burrillville boundary line; thence northerly along theNorth Smithfield-Burrillville boundary line to the point of origin.
The twenty-second district shall also include all of the townof Smithfield.
=bi Twenty-third district: The twenty-third senatorialdistrict shall consist of all of the town of Burrillville.
The twenty-third senatorial district shall also consist ofall of that part of the town of North Smithfield bounded by a line beginning atthe intersection of the North Smithfield-Burrillville boundary line and theRhode Island-Massachusetts state boundary line; thence easterly along the RhodeIsland-Massachusetts state boundary line to East Harkness Road; thencesoutherly along East Harkness Road to North Smithfield Expressway; thencesoutheasterly on North Smithfield Expressway to Victory Highway; thencecontinuing southeasterly on Victory Highway to School Street; thencesouthwesterly and northwesterly on School Street to Greene Street; thencesouthwesterly on Greene Street to Providence Pike; thence southeasterly onProvidence Pike to its intersection with the extension of SlatersvilleReservoir; thence southwesterly along that extension (boundary line betweencensus blocks 440070128011012 and 440070128038006) to Slatersville Reservoir;thence southwesterly along the southern shore of Slatersville Reservoir to theNorth Smithfield-Burrillville boundary line; thence northwesterly along theNorth Smithfield-Burrillville boundary line to the point of origin.
The twenty-third senatorial district shall also consist ofall of the town of Glocester.
=bi Twenty-fourth district: The twenty-fourth senatorialdistrict shall consist of all of that part of the town of North Smithfieldbounded by a line beginning at the intersection of East Harkness Road and theRhode Island-Massachusetts state boundary line; thence easterly along the RhodeIsland-Massachusetts state boundary line to the North Smithfield-Woonsocketboundary line; thence southwesterly along the North Smithfield-Woonsocketboundary line to Great Road; thence northwesterly on Great Road to VictoryHighway; thence continuing northwesterly on Victory Highway to North SmithfieldExpressway; thence continuing northwesterly on North Smithfield Expressway toEast Harkness Road; thence northerly on East Harkness Road to the point oforigin.
The twenty-fourth senatorial district shall also consist ofall of that part of the city of Woonsocket not included in the twentiethsenatorial district.
=bi Twenty-fifth district: The twenty-fifth senatorialdistrict shall consist of all of the town of Johnston.
=bi Twenty-sixth district: The twenty-sixth senatorialdistrict shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of the Cranston-Scituate boundary line andthe Cranston-Johnston boundary line; thence northeasterly along theCranston-Johnston boundary line to the Cranston-Providence boundary line;thence easterly and southerly along the Cranston-Providence boundary line toSpectacle Pond; thence southwesterly through Spectacle Pond to Farragut Street;thence westerly on Farragut Street to Marlborough Street; thence southwesterlyon Marlborough Street to Wessex Street; thence continuing southwesterly onWessex Street to Crescent Avenue; thence northwesterly on Crescent Avenue toAppleton Street; thence southwesterly on Appleton Street to Gansett Avenue;thence southerly on Gansett Avenue to Park Avenue; thence westerly on ParkAvenue to Palmer Avenue; thence southeasterly on Palmer Avenue to MacklinStreet; thence southwesterly on Macklin Street to Urban Street; thencesoutheasterly on Urban Street to East View Avenue; thence southwesterly on EastView Avenue to Suez Street; thence westerly on Suez Street to WashingtonSecondary Bikeway; thence southwesterly on Washington Secondary Bikeway to DeanStreet; thence westerly on Dean Street to Cranston Street; thence northerly onCranston Street to Adams Street; thence westerly on Adams Street to MeshanticutBrook; thence southwesterly on Meshanticut Brook to Curtis Street; thencewesterly on Curtis Street to Metropolitan Avenue; thence northwesterly onMetropolitan Avenue to Phenix Avenue; thence southwesterly on Phenix Avenue tothe Cranston-West Warwick boundary line; thence westerly along theCranston-West Warwick boundary line to the Cranston-Coventry boundary line;thence continuing westerly along the Cranston-Coventry boundary line to theCranston-Scituate boundary line; thence northwesterly along theCranston-Scituate boundary line to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-seventh district: The twenty-seventh senatorialdistrict shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Park Avenue; thencesoutheasterly on Park Avenue to Reservoir Avenue; thence southwesterly onReservoir Avenue to Bridgeton Road; thence southeasterly on Bridgeton Road toMuriel Street; thence northeasterly on Muriel Street and its extension toBlackamore Pond; thence southerly on the southern shore of Blackamore Pond andits extension to Aqueduct Road; thence easterly on Aqueduct Road to Eden ParkDrive; thence northwesterly on Eden Park Drive to Oakland Avenue; thenceeasterly on Oakland Avenue to Glengrove Avenue; thence northwesterly onGlengrove Avenue to Waterman Avenue; thence easterly on Waterman Avenue toPontiac Avenue; thence southwesterly on Pontiac Avenue to Rockland Avenue;thence southeasterly on Rockland Avenue to Forest Avenue; thence continuingsoutheasterly on Forest Avenue to Linden Avenue; thence continuingsoutheasterly on Linden Avenue to Riverside Avenue; thence easterly onRiverside Avenue to Reed Avenue; thence northwesterly on Reed Avenue to AllenAvenue; thence northeasterly on Allen Avenue to Spruce Avenue; thencesoutheasterly on Spruce Avenue and its extension to Interstate Route 95; thencesoutherly on Interstate Route 95 to the Cranston-Warwick boundary line; thencesouthwesterly along the Cranston-Warwick boundary line to the Cranston-WestWarwick boundary line; thence westerly along the Cranston-West Warwick boundaryline to Phenix Avenue; thence northeasterly on Phenix avenue to MetropolitanAvenue; thence southeasterly on Metropolitan Avenue to Curtis Street; thenceeasterly on Curtis Street to Meshanticut Brook; thence northeasterly onMeshanticut Brook to Adams Street; thence southeasterly on Adams Street toCranston Street; thence southerly on Cranston Street to Dean Street; thenceeasterly on Dean Street to the Washington Secondary Bikeway; thencenortheasterly on the Washington Secondary Bikeway to Suez Street; thencesoutheasterly on Suez Street to East View Avenue; thence northeasterly on EastView Avenue to Urban Street; thence northwesterly on Urban Street to MacklinStreet; thence northeasterly on Macklin Street to Palmer Avenue; thencenortheasterly on Palmer Avenue to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-eighth district: The twenty-eighth senatorialdistrict shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Gansett Avenue and Appleton Street;thence northeasterly on Appleton Street to Crescent Avenue; thencesoutheasterly on Crescent Avenue to Wessex Street; thence northeasterly onWessex Street to Marlborough Street; thence continuing northeasterly onMarlborough Street to Farragut Street; thence easterly on Farragut Street toSpectacle Pond; thence following the shoreline of Spectacle Pond in acounter-clockwise direction to the Cranston-Providence boundary line; thencesoutheasterly and northeasterly along the Cranston-Providence boundary line tothe Cranston-East Providence boundary line in the Providence River; thencesoutherly along the Cranston-East Providence boundary line to theCranston-Warwick boundary line; thence northwesterly and southwesterly alongthe Cranston-Warwick boundary line to Interstate Route 95; thence northerly onInterstate Route 95 the intersection of Spruce Avenue extension to InterstateRoute 95; thence northwesterly on Spruce Avenue to Allen Avenue; thencewesterly on Allen Avenue to Reed Avenue; thence southeasterly on Reed Avenue toRiverside Avenue; thence westerly on Riverside Avenue to Linden Avenue; thencenorthwesterly on Linden Avenue to Forest Avenue; thence continuingnorthwesterly on Forest Avenue to Rockland Avenue; thence continuingnorthwesterly on Rockland Avenue to Pontiac Avenue; thence northerly on PontiacAvenue to Waterman Avenue; thence westerly on Waterman Avenue to GlengroveAvenue; thence southeasterly on Glengrove Avenue to Oakland Avenue; thencewesterly on Oakland Avenue to Eden Park Drive; thence southwesterly on EdenPark Drive to Aqueduct Road; thence westerly on Aqueduct Road to theintersection of the extension of Blackamore Pond to Aqueduct Road; thencenortherly along the southern shore of Blackamore Pond to the intersection ofthe extension of Muriel Street to Blackamore Pond; thence southwesterly onMuriel Street to Bridgeton Road; thence northwesterly on Bridgeton Road toReservoir Avenue; thence northeasterly on Reservoir Avenue to Park Avenue;thence northwesterly on Park Avenue to Gansett Avenue; thence northerly onGansett Avenue to the point of origin.
The twenty-eighth senatorial district shall also consist ofall of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of Warwick Avenue and the Warwick-Cranston boundary line; thenceeasterly along the Warwick-Cranston boundary line to the Providence River;thence southerly along the western shore of the Providence River to CanonchetAvenue; thence westerly on Canonchet Avenue to Longwood Avenue; thencesouthwesterly on Longwood Avenue to Fair Street; thence northerly on FairStreet to Harrison Avenue; thence southwesterly on Harrison Avenue to WarwickAvenue; thence northerly on Warwick Avenue to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-ninth district: The twenty-ninth senatorialdistrict shall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Wendell Road and Dryden Boulevard; thenceeasterly on Dryden Boulevard to Warwick Avenue; thence southerly on WarwickAvenue to Harrison Avenue; thence northeasterly on Harrison Avenue to FairStreet; thence southerly on Fair Street to Longwood Avenue; thencenortheasterly on Longwood Avenue to Canonchet Avenue; thence easterly onCanonchet Avenue and its extension to the Warwick-Cranston boundary line in theProvidence River; thence easterly through the Providence River to theWarwick-Cranston boundary line; thence southeasterly along the Warwick-Cranstonboundary line to the Warwick-East Providence boundary line; thence continuingsoutheasterly along the Warwick-East Providence boundary line to theWarwick-Barrington boundary line; thence continuing southeasterly along theWarwick-Barrington boundary line to its intersection with Van Zandt Avenue andNarragansett Bay; thence southwesterly on Van Zandt Avenue to Curry Place;thence northerly on Curry Place to Pender Avenue; thence southwesterly onPender Avenue to Tidewater Drive; thence northwesterly on Tidewater Drive toLockwood Brook; thence westerly on Lockwood Brook to Old Mill Brook; thencesouthwesterly on Old Mill Brook to La Rochelle Avenue; thence northwesterly onLa Rochelle Avenue to Church Avenue; thence continuing northwesterly on ChurchAvenue to Warwick Avenue; thence southerly on Warwick Avenue to Sandy Lane;thence southwesterly on Sandy Lane to Strawberry Field Road; thence southerlyon Strawberry Field Road to West Shore Road; thence southwesterly on West ShoreRoad to Main Avenue; thence northwesterly on Main Avenue to the a line extendednortheasterly and northwesterly to Strawberry Field Road; thence northeasterlyand northwesterly along that line (boundary line between census blocks440030211009002 and 440030211009003) to Strawberry Field Road; thencenorthwesterly on Strawberry Field Road a line extended northeasterly toBiltmore Avenue; thence northeasterly on that line (boundary line betweencensus blocks 440030211009002, 440030211005028, and 440030211005023) toBiltmore Avenue; thence westerly on Biltmore Avenue to Airport Connector Road;thence westerly on Airport Connector Road to Post Road; thence northeasterly onPost Road to Wendell Road; thence northerly on Wendell Road to the point oforigin.
=bi Thirtieth district: The thirtieth senatorial districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Groveland Avenue and Main Avenue; thencesoutheasterly on Main Avenue to West Shore Road; thence northeasterly on WestShore Road to Strawberry Field Road; thence northerly on Strawberry Field Roadto Sandy Lane; thence northeasterly on Sandy Lane to Warwick Avenue; thencenortherly on Warwick Avenue to Church Avenue; thence southeasterly on ChurchAvenue to La Rochelle Avenue; thence continuing southeasterly on La RochelleAvenue to Old Mill Brook; thence northeasterly on Old Mill Brook to LockwoodBrook; thence easterly on Lockwood Brook to Tidewater Drive; thence southerlyon Tidewater Drive to Pender Avenue; thence easterly on Pender Avenue to CurryPlace; thence southerly on Curry Place to Van Zandt Avenue; thencenortheasterly on Van Zandt Avenue and a straight line formed by its extensionto the Warwick-Barrington boundary line in Narragansett Bay; thencesoutheasterly along the Warwick-Barrington boundary line to theWarwick-Portsmouth boundary line; thence southwesterly along theWarwick-Portsmouth boundary line to the Warwick-North Kingstown boundary line;thence westerly along the Warwick-North Kingstown boundary line in thePotowomut River to Wampanoag Road; thence northwesterly on Wampanoag Road toIves Road; thence southwesterly on Ives Road to Old Forge Road; thencenorthwesterly on Old Forge Road to the Warwick-East Greenwich boundary line;thence northerly and westerly along the Warwick-East Greenwich boundary line toLove Lane; thence northerly on Love Lane to Cedar Street; thence easterly onCedar Street to Post Road; thence northwesterly and easterly on Post Road toWest Shore Road; thence continuing easterly on West Shore Road to GrovelandAvenue; thence northerly on Groveland Avenue to the point of origin.
=bi Thirty-first district: The thirty-first senatorialdistrict shall co