§ 22-10-12 Lobbying without complianceprohibited. No person shall appear as a lobbyist before any committee of the generalassembly or either branch of the general assembly or engage in any lobbyingactivity unless his or her name appears upon the register for lobbyists. Noperson, private or public corporation, or association shall directly orindirectly employ any person as a lobbyist unless the name of that person,corporation, or association and the lobbyist are duly entered on the registeras provided by this chapter. No person shall be employed as a lobbyist forcompensation dependent in any manner upon the passage or defeat of any proposedlegislation or upon any other contingency connected with the action of thegeneral assembly, or of either branch or of any committee of the generalassembly, or of the governor. Any person, corporation, or association violatingthis section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in § 22-10-11.