§ 22-10-2 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions apply:
(1) A person is "appointed" by another if he or she receivescompensation for lobbying or pursuant to a mutual understanding or agreementengages in lobbying.
(2) "Compensation" means any remuneration received or to bereceived for services rendered as a lobbyist, whether in the form of a fee,salary, forbearance, forgiveness, reimbursement for expenses, or any other formof recompense, and any combination of these. Where lobbying is incidental to aperson's regular employment, his or her compensation for lobbying shall bereported as such and the lobbyist shall record the dollar amount of thatportion of his or her compensation that is attributed to the time spentpursuing lobbying activities. In those instances, it shall not be necessary todisclose one's total salary or the percentage of one's time spent on lobbying.The lobbyist shall be required to disclose only his or her best good faithestimate of the dollar amount which corresponds to the portion of his or hertime spent on lobbying activities.
(3) "Lobbying" means acting directly or soliciting others toact for the purpose of promoting, opposing, amending, or influencing in anymanner the passage by the general assembly of any legislation or the action onthat legislation by the governor.
(4) "Lobbyist" means any person who engages in lobbying asthe appointed representative of another person.
(5) "Person" means an individual, firm, business,corporation, association, partnership, or other group.
(6) A "quasi-public corporation" means a body corporate andpolitic acting as a public corporation, which has been organized pursuant tolaw and granted certain powers, rights and privileges by the general laws,while exhibiting a distinct legal existence from the state, and notconstituting a department of the state government, in order to perform agovernmental function.
(7) "Major state decision-maker" means:
(i) All general officers; and all executive or administrativehead or heads of any state executive agency enumerated in § 42-6-1 as wellas the executive or administrative head or heads of state quasi-publiccorporations, whether appointed or serving as an employee. The phrase"executive or administrative head or heads" shall include anyone serving in thepositions of director, executive director, deputy director, assistant director,executive counsel or chief of staff;
(ii) All members of the general assembly and the executive oradministrative head or heads of a state legislative agency, whether appointedor serving as an employee. The phrase "executive or administrative head orheads" shall include anyone serving in the positions of director, executivedirector, deputy director, assistant director, executive counsel or chief ofstaff;
(iii) All members of the state judiciary and all statemagistrates and the executive or administrative head or heads of a statejudicial agency, whether appointed or serving as an employee. The phrase"executive or administrative head or heads" shall include anyone serving in thepositions of director, executive director, deputy director, assistant director,executive counsel, chief of staff or state court administrator.
(8) "Advertising" means any communication disseminated bymeans of printing, mailing, electronic transmission, broadcasting or othermedium.