§ 22-11-3.1 Rules and regulations. (a) The joint committee on legislative services is authorized and empowered toadopt any rules and regulations that are deemed necessary to accomplish thepurposes of this chapter, a copy of which rules and regulations shall be filedwith the secretary of state and available for public inspection; provided, thateach permanent and continuing office or agency within the legislativedepartment, established by statute and to which funds are specificallyappropriated, will maintain and be responsible for exercising its own internalfinancial and personnel controls. In the formation of these rules andregulations, the joint committee shall take into consideration and conform to,where practicable, existing policies governing financial and personnelpractices within the executive branch of government.
(b) The joint committee on legislative services is authorizedand empowered to adopt rules and regulations, consistent with the rules of eachhouse of the general assembly, designed to provide electronic services andproducts to its elected members and, incrementally, to make electronic servicesand products regarding its proceedings available to the citizens of this state.The joint committee on legislative services shall prioritize general assemblyproceedings and legislative information to be made incrementally accessible ina timely manner, including:
(1) A list of all members of the general assembly with theiraddresses and telephone numbers and all committees of the general assembly andtheir members;
(2) The history and status of every bill introduced andamended in each current legislative session;
(3) The current calendars of the house and the senate and ofall legislative committees;
(4) The text of every bill introduced and to be printed inthe current legislative session, including the amended or substitute form ofeach bill, and the text of every bill as enacted;
(5) The general laws;
(6) The Rhode Island Constitution; and
(7) The senate and house journals.
(c) It shall be solely and exclusively within the discretionof the joint committee on legislative services, when providing access, toinclude and require, in written contracts for electronic services and products,provisions that:
(1) Protect the security and integrity of the informationsystem of the general assembly;
(2) Limit any potential liability of the general assembly inproviding public access to electronic services and products;
(3) Ensure that access of non-disclosable information isprohibited;
(4) Provide protection against intentional or accidentaldisclosure, modification, or destruction of records.