§ 22-11-3.3 Printing and binding ofproceedings of general assembly. The joint committee on legislative services shall, at the end of each sessionof the general assembly, cause to be published, with a proper index, a numberof copies of the public laws not exceeding three thousand (3,000) that shallhave been passed during the session, as compiled and edited by the law revisiondirector of the joint committee on legislative services, to be distributed inthe manner provided in § 43-2-5. It shall also cause to be published, witha proper index, a number of copies of the acts of a local and private natureand resolutions not exceeding one thousand (1,000) that shall have been passedat the session, as compiled and edited by the law revision director of thejoint committee on legislative services, excluding resolutions ofcongratulation, commendation, and sympathy to be distributed in the mannerprovided in § 43-2-5.