§ 22-12-4 Return of fiscal notes. (a) Fiscal notes shall be returned to the chairperson of the committee havingthe bill or resolution under consideration and to the person making the requestwithin ten (10) calendar days of when the request was made. All completedfiscal notes received by committee in compliance with this chapter shall bereviewed by the advisor of the committee on finance of the house or senate whoshall note his or her approval as to accuracy and reliability of the dollarestimates or append his or her comments or exceptions.
(b) If the budget office fails to return a fiscal note withinthe timeframes set forth in subsection (a) of this section, the house fiscaladvisor or the senate fiscal advisor may request any agency or department ofstate government which may be affected by the bill or resolution underconsideration to provide any information that he or she may deem necessary forthe preparation of an interim fiscal note. Any agency or department of whichsuch a request is made shall respond in writing to the the fiscal advisorwithin five (5) business days. The house fiscal advisor or the senate fiscaladvisor may prepare an interim fiscal note at any time after expiration of thetime frame set forth in subsection (a) of this section.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 22-12-1, thehouse in which the bill or resolution originated may consider the bill orresolution if the fiscal note has not been returned within the timeframe setforth in subsection (a) of this section, provided an interim note has beenprepared.