§ 22-2-2 Districts. The state is hereby divided into seventy-five (75) representative districtsbounded and described as follows:
(1) It is understood and intended that for the purpose ofthis section a line described as running on, along, to or through any street(including road, avenue, lane, way, parkway, expressway, divided Highway, stateroute or interstate route, or trail), stream or river, is intended to mean thecenterline of that street, stream or river, in all instances, unless the sameshall be otherwise specified.
(2) It is further understood and intended that for thepurpose of this section, the districts described in this section shall becomposed of United States census geography (tracts and blocks), as defined bythe 2000 version of the "TIGER" files from the United States Census Bureau,whose boundaries correspond to the below metes and bounds set forth in thissection and hereby made a part of this chapter. A listing of which censusblocks are contained within each district shall be deemed to be incorporated byreference.
(3) It is further understood and intended that for thepurpose of this section, the districts will be depicted on thirty-nine (39)maps, compiled by Election Data Services, Inc. for each city and town, andhereinafter may be referred to as town maps.
(ii) The secretary of state shall keep a copy of each set ofthe foregoing maps and a copy of the census tract and block listing availablefor inspection during ordinary business hours at his or her office. Thesecretary of state shall furnish each city and town a copy of the town mapcovering that particular city or town within ten (10) days from the date ofpassage of this act [February 20, 2002].
(iii) For purposes of this title, references to "tract" or"CT" shall mean "census tract", as that demographic unit is established by theUnited States Bureau of the Census for the 2000 census as described by maps andpublications of the bureau. References to "block", "blocks", "block groups","enumeration district", or "enumeration districts", refer to those demographicunits as established by the United States Census Bureau for the 2000 census asdescribed by maps and publications of the bureau.
(iv) Any reference to a "city or town", "city or townboundaries", or "city or town limits" shall refer to the boundaries or limitsof the particular city or town as they existed on January 1, 2000.
(v) In the census tract and block listing, the first two (2)digits of a census description shall refer to the state of Rhode Island (44),the next three (3) digits of a census description shall refer to the county inwhich the district lies. Bristol county carries the code 001; Kent countycarries the code 003; Newport county carries the code 005; Providence countycarries the code 007 and Washington county carries the code 009. The next six(6) digits refer to the census tract within the county set forth in thedescription. The last four (4) digits refer to the census block within thecensus tract. "TIGER" is an acronym for the computer readable geographic database that automates the mapping and related geographic activities required tosupport the United States' Census Bureau's census and survey programs andstands for "Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing."
(vi) If any census tract, block, block group, or enumerationdistrict is omitted, listed more than once, or is only partially provided for,it is intended that the districts be defined in such a manner as to not omitany area of Rhode Island from a district and to comply with the standard ofArticles VII and VIII of the Rhode Island Constitution requiring that districtsbe reasonably equal. In order to carry out the intent of the general assemblyas expressed in this section the secretary of state, shall if necessary,undertake measures to insure compliance with this section.
(vii) In the event of a discrepancy between the metes andbounds description, the description by census tracts and blocks, and the mapswhich shall be on file with the secretary of state, then the listing of censustracts and blocks shall take precedence and be controlling.
=bi First District: The first representative district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Huxley Avenue and Admiral Street; thenceeasterly on Admiral Street to Douglas Avenue; thence northwesterly on DouglasAvenue to Corina Street; thence northeasterly on Corina Street to AppianStreet; thence northwesterly on Appian Street to Corina Street; thencenortheasterly on Corina Street to Glasgow Street; thence southeasterly onGlasgow Street to Anchor Street; thence northeasterly on Anchor Street toYorkshire Street; thence easterly on Yorkshire Street to Hawkins Street; thencenortheasterly on Hawkins Street to Branch Avenue; thence southwesterly onBranch Avenue to Luna Street; thence easterly on Luna Street to Ascham Street;thence northwesterly on Ascham Street to Mc Millen Street; thence northeasterlyon Mc Millen Street to Northrup Avenue; thence continuing northeasterly onNorthrup Avenue to Flora Street; thence southwesterly on Flora Street to BranchAvenue; thence southeasterly on Branch Avenue to Interstate Route 95; thencesoutherly on Interstate Route 95 to the former New York New Haven and HartfordRailroad (hereinafter, simply the "New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad");thence southwesterly on New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad to a lineextended westerly to Francis Street; thence westerly along that line (boundaryline between census blocks 440070008001022 and 440070008001021) to a lineextended southwesterly and westerly to Promenade Street; thence southwesterlyand westerly along that line (boundary line between census blocks440070008001025 and 440070008001026) thence westerly to Promenade Street;thence continuing westerly on Promenade Street to Interstate Route 95; thencesoutherly on Interstate Route 95 to Providence Place; thence westerly onProvidence Place to Harris Avenue; continuing westerly on Harris Avenue to DeanStreet; thence northerly on Dean Street to Pleasant Valley Parkway; thencenorthwesterly on Pleasant Valley Parkway to Raymond Street; thence continuingnorthwesterly on Raymond Street to Oakland Avenue; thence northerly on OaklandAvenue to Smith Street; thence northwesterly on Smith Street to Huxley Avenue;thence northerly on Huxley Avenue to the point of origin.
=bi Second District: The second representative district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Interstate Route 95 and Washington Street;thence northeasterly on Washington Street to Empire Street; thencenorthwesterly on Empire Street to Fountain Street; thence northeasterly onFountain Street to Exchange Terrace; thence continuing northeasterly onExchange Terrace to Cookson Place; thence northerly on Cookson Place toMemorial Boulevard; thence southeasterly on Memorial Boulevard to ExchangeTerrace; thence northeasterly on Exchange Terrace to Steeple Street; thencecontinuing northeasterly on Steeple Street to North Main Street; thencesoutherly on North Main Street to South Main Street; thence continuingsoutherly on South Main Street to Power Street; thence easterly on Power Streetto Cooke Street; thence northerly on Cooke Street to Young Orchard Avenue;thence westerly on Young Orchard Avenue to Governor Street; thence northerly onGovernor Street to Angell Street; thence easterly on Angell Street to PatersonStreet; thence southerly on Paterson Street to Henderson Bridge; thenceeasterly across Henderson Bridge to the Providence-East Providence boundaryline in the Seekonk River; thence southwesterly along the Providence-EastProvidence boundary line to the Providence River; thence northwesterly on theProvidence River to Point Street; thence westerly on Point Street to InterstateRoute 95; thence northwesterly on Interstate Route 95 to the point of origin.
The second representative district shall also consist of allof that part of the city of East Providence bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the East Providence-Providence boundary line and HendersonBridge; thence easterly across Henderson Bridge to North Broadway; thencesouthwesterly on North Broadway to Taunton Avenue; thence southwesterly onTaunton Avenue to Interstate 195; thence continuing southwesterly on Interstate195 to the East Providence-Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly alongthe East Providence-Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
=bi Third District: The third representative district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of North Main Street and Olney Street; thenceeasterly on Olney Street to Hope Street; thence northerly on Hope Street toMontague Street; thence easterly on Montague Street to Morris Avenue; thencenortherly on Morris Avenue to Hazard Avenue; thence easterly on Hazard Avenueto Elmgrove Avenue; thence northerly on Elmgrove Avenue to Upton Avenue; thenceeasterly on Upton Avenue to Grotto Avenue; thence southerly on Grotto Avenue toLoring Avenue; thence easterly on Loring Avenue to Gulf Avenue; thencesoutheasterly on Gulf Avenue to Irving Avenue; thence easterly on Irving Avenueand its extension to the Providence-East Providence boundary line; thencesoutherly on the Providence-East Providence boundary line to Henderson Bridge;thence westerly across Henderson Bridge to Paterson Street; thence northerly onPaterson Street to Angell Street; thence westerly on Angell Street to GovernorStreet; thence southerly on Governor Street to Young Orchard Avenue; thencewesterly on Young Orchard Avenue to Cooke Street; thence southerly on CookeStreet to Power Street; thence westerly on Power Street to South Main Street;thence northwesterly on South Main Street to North Main Street; thencecontinuing northerly on North Main Street to the point of origin.
=bi Fourth District: The fourth representative district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Interstate Route 95 and theProvidence-Pawtucket boundary line; thence easterly along theProvidence-Pawtucket boundary line to the Providence-East Providence boundaryline; thence southerly along the Providence-East Providence boundary line toits westerly extension to Irving Avenue; thence westerly on Irving Avenue toGulf Avenue; thence northwesterly on Gulf Avenue to Loring Avenue; thencewesterly on Loring Avenue to Grotto Avenue; thence northerly on Grotto Avenueto Upton Avenue; thence westerly on Upton Avenue to Elmgrove Avenue; thencesoutherly on Elmgrove Avenue to Hazard Avenue; thence westerly on Hazard Avenueto Morris Avenue; thence southerly on Morris Avenue to Montague Street; thencewesterly on Montague Street to Hope Street; thence southwesterly on Hope Streetto Olney Street; thence westerly on Olney Street to North Main Street; thencenortherly on North Main Street to Hewes Street; thence southwesterly on HewesStreet to Stevens Street; thence westerly on Stevens Street to Charles Street;thence northwesterly on Charles Street to Interstate Route 95; thence northerlyon Interstate Route 95 to the point of origin.
=bi Fifth District: The fifth representative district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Joseph Street and the Providence-NorthProvidence boundary line; thence northeasterly along the Providence-NorthProvidence boundary line to Interstate Route 95; thence southerly on InterstateRoute 95 to Branch Avenue; thence northwesterly on Branch Avenue to FloraStreet; thence northeasterly on Flora Street to Northrup Avenue; thencewesterly on Northrup Avenue to Mc Millen Street; thence southwesterly on McMillen Street to Ascham Street; thence southerly on Ascham Street to BranchAvenue; thence northwesterly on Branch Avenue to Hawkins Street; thencesouthwesterly on Hawkins Street to Yorkshire Street; thence westerly onYorkshire Street to Anchor Street; thence southerly on Anchor Street to GlasgowStreet; thence northwesterly on Glasgow Street to Corina Street; thencesoutherly on Corina Street to Appian Street; thence southeasterly on AppianStreet to Corina Street; thence southwesterly on Corina Street to DouglasAvenue; thence southeasterly on Douglas Avenue to Admiral Street; thencewesterly on Admiral Street to Huxley Avenue; thence southerly on Huxley Avenueto Smith Street; thence northwesterly on Smith Street to Nelson Street; thencenortherly on Nelson Street to Salter Street; thence easterly on Salter Streetto Jastram Street; thence northerly on Jastram Street to Walton Street; thenceeasterly on Walton Street to Sharon Street; thence northerly on Sharon Streetto Admiral Street; thence northwesterly on Admiral Street to Middle Drive;thence northerly on Middle Drive to Havana Street; thence continuing northerlyon Havana Street to Joseph Street; thence westerly on Joseph Street to thepoint of origin.
=bi Sixth District: The sixth representative district shallconsist of all of that part of the town of North Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of the North Providence-Johnston boundary lineand the Oak Street extension westerly to the North Providence-Johnston boundaryline; thence easterly on the extension and Oak Street to WoonasquatucketAvenue; thence northeasterly on Woonasquatucket Avenue to Humbert Street;thence easterly on Humbert Street to Orchard Street; thence northerly onOrchard Street to Intervale Avenue; thence westerly on Intervale Avenue toSykes Street; thence northerly on Sykes Street to the intersection with thewesterly extension Hawkins Boulevard; thence easterly on Hawkins Boulevard toAdelaide Avenue; thence continuing easterly on Adelaide Avenue to CongressAvenue; thence continuing easterly on Congress Avenue to Homewood Avenue;thence northerly on Homewood Avenue to Smith Street; thence northwesterly onSmith Street to Lookout Avenue; thence northerly on Lookout Avenue to SuperiorView Boulevard; thence easterly on Superior View Boulevard to High ServiceAvenue; thence southerly on High Service Avenue to Sherman Avenue; thenceeasterly on Sherman Avenue to Woodbine Street; thence northerly on WoodbineStreet to Wendell Street; thence easterly on Wendell Street to Link Street;thence southerly on Link Street to Bellevue Avenue; thence westerly on BellevueAvenue to Longwood Avenue; thence southerly on Longwood Avenue to HillsideDrive; thence easterly on Hillside Drive to the North Providence-Providenceboundary line; thence southwesterly on the North Providence-Providence boundaryline to the North Providence-Johnston boundary line; thence northwesterly onthe North Providence-Johnston boundary line to the point of origin.
The sixth representative district shall also consist of allof that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at theProvidence-North Providence boundary line and Joseph Street; thence easterly onJoseph Street to Havana Street; thence southerly on Havana Street to MiddleDrive; thence southerly on Middle Drive to Admiral Street; thence southeasterlyon Admiral Street to Sharon Street; thence southerly on Sharon Street to WaltonStreet; thence westerly on Walton Street to Jastram Street; thence southerly onJastram Street to Salter Street; thence westerly on Salter Street to NelsonStreet; thence southerly on Nelson Street to Smith Street; thence northwesterlyon Smith Street to Enfield Avenue; thence northerly on Enfield Avenue to EatonStreet; thence westerly on Eaton Street to Smith Street; thence northwesterlyon Smith Street to Old Road; thence westerly on Old Road to Mount PleasantAvenue; thence southerly on Mount Pleasant Avenue to Metropolitan Road; thencewesterly on Metropolitan Road to Standish Avenue; thence southerly on StandishAvenue to Galileo Avenue; thence southwesterly on Galileo Avenue to ImeraStreet; thence southerly on Imera Street to Actinia Street; thence easterly onActinia Street to Sisson Street; thence southerly on Sisson Street to MantonAvenue; thence easterly on Manton Avenue to Atwells Avenue; thence easterly onAtwells Avenue to Hannah Street; thence southerly on Hannah Street to MantonAvenue; thence southeasterly on Manton Street to Bosworth Street; thencesouthwesterly on Bosworth Street to the Woonasquatucket River; thencenorthwesterly along the Woonasquatucket River to United States Route 6; thencewesterly on United States Route 6 to Glenbridge Avenue; thence northerly onGlenbridge Avenue to the Woonasquatucket River; thence westerly along theWoonasquatucket River to the Providence-Johnston boundary line; thencenorthwesterly along the Providence-Johnston boundary line to theProvidence-North Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly along theProvidence-North Providence boundary line to the point of origin.
=bi Seventh District: The seventh representative districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Mount Pleasant Avenue and Old Road; thenceeasterly on Old Road to Smith Street; thence southeasterly on Smith Street toEaton Street; thence easterly on Eaton Street to Enfield Avenue; thencesoutherly on Enfield Avenue to Smith Street; thence southeasterly on SmithStreet to Oakland Avenue; thence southerly on Oakland Avenue to ChalkstoneAvenue; thence westerly on Chalkstone Avenue to Bergen Street; thence southerlyon Bergen Street to Regent Avenue; thence easterly on Regent Avenue to HaroldStreet; thence southerly on Harold Street to Valley Street; thencesouthwesterly on Valley Street to Newark Street; thence westerly on NewarkStreet to Academy Avenue; thence southerly on Academy Avenue to Atwells Avenue;thence westerly on Atwells Avenue to Manton Avenue; thence continuing westerlyon Manton Avenue to Sisson Street; thence northerly on Sisson Street to ActiniaStreet; thence westerly on Actinia Street to Imera Street; thence northerly onImera Street to Galileo Avenue; thence northeasterly on Galileo Avenue toStandish Avenue; thence northerly on Standish Avenue to Metropolitan Road;thence easterly on Metropolitan Road to Mount Pleasant Avenue; thence northerlyon Mount Pleasant Avenue to the point of origin.
=bi Eighth District: The eighth representative district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Bergen Street and Chalkstone Avenue; thenceeasterly on Chalkstone Avenue to Raymond Street; thence southerly on RaymondStreet to Pleasant Valley Parkway; thence southeasterly on Pleasant ValleyParkway to Dean Street; thence southerly on Dean Street to Harris Avenue;thence easterly on Harris Avenue to Providence Place; thence continuingeasterly on Providence Place to Interstate Route 95; thence northerly onInterstate Route 95 to Promenade Street; thence easterly on Promenade Street toa line extended easterly and northeasterly to Francis Street; thence easterlyand northeasterly along that line (boundary line between census blocks440070008001026 and 440070008001025) to a line extended southeasterly fromFrancis Street to New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thencesoutheasterly along that line (boundary between census blocks 440070008001021and 440070008001022) to New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thencenortherly on New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad to Interstate Route 95;thence northeasterly on Interstate Route 95 to Charles Street; thencesoutheasterly on Charles Street to Stevens Street; thence easterly on StevensStreet to Hewes Street; thence northeasterly on Hewes Street to North MainStreet; thence southerly on North Main Street to Steeple Street; thencewesterly on Steeple Street to Exchange Terrace; thence southwesterly onExchange Terrace to Memorial Boulevard; thence westerly on Memorial Boulevardto Cookson Place; thence southerly on Cookson Place to Exchange Terrace; thencesouthwesterly on Exchange Terrace to Fountain Street; thence continuingsouthwesterly on Fountain Street to Empire Street; thence southeasterly onEmpire Street to Washington Street; thence southwesterly on Washington Streetto Interstate Route 95; thence southeasterly on Interstate Route 95 toWestminster Street; thence westerly on Westminster Street to Harrison Street;thence southerly on Harrison Street to Powhatan Street; thence westerly onPowhatan Street to Hollywood Road; thence westerly on Hollywood Road to ParadeStreet; thence northerly on Parade Street to Westminster Street; thencewesterly on Westminster Street to Manton Avenue; thence northwesterly on MantonAvenue to Delaine Street; thence northeasterly on Delaine Street to AudreyStreet; thence northerly on Audrey Street to Bowdoin Street; thence southerlyon Bowdoin Street to Appleton Street; thence northwesterly on Appleton Streetto Julian Street; thence northerly on Julian Street to Kossuth Street; thencewesterly on Kossuth Street to Joslin Street; thence northerly on Joslin Streetto Amherst Street; thence westerly on Amherst Street to Covell Street; thencenortherly on Covell Street to Atwells Avenue; thence easterly on Atwells Avenueto Academy Avenue; thence northerly on Academy Avenue to Newark Street; thenceeasterly on Newark Street to Valley Street; thence northeasterly on ValleyStreet to Harold Street; thence northerly on Harold Street to Regent Avenue;thence westerly on Regent Avenue to Bergen Street; thence northerly on BergenStreet to the point of origin.
=bi Ninth District: The ninth district shall consist of allof that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the Woonasquatucket River and United States Route 6; thenceeasterly on United state Route 6 to the Woonasquatucket River; thence easterlyalong the Woonasquatucket River to Bosworth Street; thence northeasterly onBosworth Street to Manton Avenue; thence northeasterly on Manton Avenue toSteere Avenue; thence northeasterly on Steere Avenue to Hannah Street; thencenortherly on Hannah Street to Atwells Avenue; thence easterly on Atwells Avenueto Covell Street; thence southerly on Covell Street to Amherst Street; thenceeasterly on Amherst Street to Joslin Street; thence southerly on Joslin Streetto Kossuth Street; thence easterly on Kossuth Street to Julian Street; thencesoutherly on Julian Street to Appleton Street; thence southeasterly on AppletonStreet to Bowdoin Street; thence northerly on Bowdoin Street to Audrey Street;thence southeasterly on Audrey Street to Delaine Street; thence southwesterlyon Delaine Street to Manton Avenue; thence southeasterly on Manton Avenue toWestminster Street; thence easterly on Westminster Street to Parade Street;thence southerly on Parade Street to Hollywood Street; thence easterly onHollywood Street to Powhatan Street; thence continuing easterly on PowhatanStreet to Harrison Street; thence northerly on Harrison Street to WestminsterStreet; thence easterly on Westminster Street to Interstate Route 95; thencesoutherly on Interstate Route 95 to Point Street; thence westerly on PointStreet to Prairie Avenue; thence southerly on Prairie Avenue to Dudley Street;thence westerly on Dudley Street to Broad Street; thence northerly on BroadStreet to Bridgham Street; thence westerly on Bridgham Street to KendallStreet; thence westerly on Kendall Street to Gilmore Street; thence southerlyon Gilmore Street to Wilson Street; thence westerly on Wilson Street toHarrison Street; thence northerly on Harrison Street to Lester Street; thencesouthwesterly on Lester Street to Dexter Street; thence southeasterly on DexterStreet to Sprague Street; thence westerly on Sprague Street to Diamond Street;thence northeasterly on Diamond Street to Hollis Street; thence continuingnortheasterly on Hollis Street to Parade Street; thence northerly on ParadeStreet to Cranston Street; thence southwesterly on Cranston Street to WendellStreet; thence westerly on Wendell Street to Service Road; thence southerly onService Road to Union Avenue; thence southwesterly on Union Avenue to RhodeIsland Route 10; thence southerly on Rhode Island Route 10 to theProvidence-Cranston boundary line; thence northwesterly on theProvidence-Cranston boundary line to Webster Avenue; thence northerly onWebster Avenue to Magnolia Street; thence easterly on Magnolia Street toBancroft Street; thence northerly on Bancroft Street to Pocasset Avenue; thencenortheasterly on Pocasset Avenue to Plainfield Street; thence westerly onPlainfield Avenue to Gifford Street; thence northerly on Gifford Street toWhittier Avenue; thence westerly on Whittier Avenue to Heath Street; thencenortherly on Heath Street to Eastwood Avenue; thence westerly on EastwoodAvenue to Laurel Hill Avenue; thence northerly on Laurel Hill Avenue toHartford Avenue; thence westerly on Hartford Avenue to Flower Street; thencenortherly on Flower Street to Dresser Street; thence westerly on Dresser Streetto Ponagansett Avenue; thence northerly on Ponagansett Avenue to Mattie Street;thence northwesterly on Mattie Street Melissa Street; thence northeasterly onMelissa Street and its extension to the Woonasquatucket River; thence northerlyalong the Woonasquatucket River to the point of origin.
=bi Tenth District: The tenth representative district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Service Road and Wendell Street; thenceeasterly on Wendell Street to Cranston Street; thence northeasterly on CranstonStreet to Parade Street; thence southerly on Parade Street to Hollis Street;thence southeasterly on Hollis Street to Diamond Street; thence continuingsoutheasterly on Diamond Street to Sprague Street; thence easterly on SpragueStreet to Dexter Street; thence southeasterly on Dexter Street to BucklinStreet; thence southerly on Bucklin Street to Hanover Street; thencesoutheasterly on Hanover Street to Elmwood Avenue; thence continuingsoutheasterly on Elmwood Avenue to Linden Avenue; thence easterly on LindenAvenue to Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Boulevard; thence northeasterly andsoutheasterly on Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Boulevard to Park Path; thencesoutheasterly on Park Path to Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Boulevard; thencecontinuing southeasterly on Fredrick C. Memorial Boulevard to MontgomeryAvenue; thence easterly on Montgomery Avenue to Providence-Cranston boundaryline; thence southwesterly, northerly and northeasterly along theProvidence-Cranston boundary line to Rhode Island Route 10; thence northerly onRhode Island Route 10 to Union Avenue; thence easterly on Union Avenue toService Road; thence northerly on Service Road to the point of origin.
=bi Eleventh District: The eleventh representative districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Dexter Street and Lester Street; thencenortheasterly on Lester Street to Harrison Street; thence southerly on HarrisonStreet to Wilson Street; thence easterly on Wilson Street to Gilmore Street;thence northeasterly on Gilmore Street to Kendall Street; thence northeasterlyon Kendall Street to Bridgham Street; thence westerly on Bridgham Street toBroad Street; thence northeasterly and southeasterly on Broad Street to theProvidence-Cranston boundary line; thence easterly along theProvidence-Cranston boundary line to Montgomery Avenue; thence continuingeasterly on Montgomery Avenue to Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Boulevard; thencenorthwesterly on Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Boulevard to Park Path; thencecontinuing northwesterly on Park Path to Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Boulevard;thence northwesterly and southwesterly on Fredrick C. Greene Memorial Boulevardto Linden Avenue; thence northwesterly on Linden Avenue to Elmwood Avenue;thence northwesterly on Elmwood Avenue to Hanover Street; thence northwesterlyon Hanover Street to Bucklin Street; thence northerly on Bucklin Street toDexter Street; thence northwesterly on Dexter Street to the point of origin.
=bi Twelfth District: The twelfth representative districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Broad Street and Friendship Street; thencenortheasterly on Friendship Street to Dudley Street; thence easterly on DudleyStreet to Prairie Avenue; thence northerly on Prairie Avenue to Point Street;thence easterly on Point Street to the Providence River; thence southerlythrough the Providence River to the Providence-East Providence boundary line;thence southeasterly and westerly along the Providence-East Providence boundaryline to the Providence-Cranston boundary line; thence westerly along theProvidence-Cranston boundary line to Broad Street; thence northwesterly onBroad Street to the point of origin.
=bi Thirteenth District: The thirteenth representativedistrict shall consist of all of that part of the town of Johnston bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Borden Avenue and United States Route 6;thence northeasterly on United States Route 6 to Long Street; thence northerlyon Long Street to Craigie Avenue; thence northwesterly on Craigie Avenue toBorden Avenue; thence northeasterly on Borden Avenue to Meriline Avenue; thenceeasterly on Meriline Avenue to Killingly Street; thence southerly on KillinglyStreet to the Johnston-Providence boundary line; thence southwesterly along theJohnston-Providence boundary line to the Johnston-Cranston boundary line;thence southwesterly along the Johnston-Cranston boundary line to Calef Street;thence northwesterly on Calef Street to Morgan Avenue; thence continuingnorthwesterly on Morgan Avenue to Borden Avenue; thence continuingnorthwesterly on Borden Avenue to the point of origin.
The thirteenth representative district shall also consist ofall of that part of the city of Providence bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of Killingly Street and the Johnston-Providence boundary line;thence easterly along the Johnston-Providence boundary line to theWoonasquatucket River; thence southeasterly along the Woonasquatucket River toGlenbridge Avenue; thence southeasterly on Glenbridge Avenue to United StatesRoute 6; thence easterly on United States Route 6 to the Woonasquatucket River;thence southerly along the Woonasquatucket River to Melissa Street; thencesoutherly on Melissa Street to Mattie Street; thence southeasterly on MattieStreet to Ponagansett Avenue; thence southerly on Ponagansett Avenue to DresserStreet; thence easterly on Dresser Street to Flower Street; thence southerly onFlower Street to Hartford Avenue; thence easterly on Hartford Avenue to LaurelHill; thence southerly on Laurel Hill to Eastwood Avenue; thence easterly onEastwood Avenue to Heath Street; thence southerly on Heath Street to WhittierAvenue; thence easterly on Whittier Avenue to Gifford Street; thence southerlyon Gifford Street to Plainfield Street; thence easterly on Plainfield Street toPocasset Avenue; thence easterly on Poccasset Avenue to Bancroft Street; thencesoutherly on Bancroft Street to Magnolia Street; thence westerly on MagnoliaStreet to Webster Avenue; thence southerly on Webster Avenue to theCranston-Providence boundary line; thence westerly along theCranston-Providence boundary line to the Johnston-Providence boundary line;thence northerly along the Johnston-Providence boundary line to the point oforigin.
=bi Fourteenth District: The fourteenth district shallconsist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a line beginningat the intersection of Fletcher Avenue and the Cranston-Johnston boundary line;thence easterly and northeasterly along the Cranston-Johnston boundary line tothe Cranston-Providence boundary line; thence northeasterly and southeasterlyalong the Cranston-Providence boundary line to Frankfort Street; thencesouthwesterly on Frankfort Street to Eldridge Street; thence northwesterly onEldridge Street to Hornbine Street; thence southwesterly on Hornbine Street toLegion Way; thence northwesterly on Legion Way to Crescent Avenue; thencecontinuing northwesterly on Crescent Avenue to Peerless Street; thencesouthwesterly on Peerless Street to Park Avenue; thence westerly on Park Avenueto Cranston Street; thence northerly on Cranston Street to Randall Street;thence westerly on Randall Street to Atwood Avenue; thence northerly on AtwoodAvenue to Elena Street; thence northwesterly on Elena Street to Yard Street;thence northerly on Yard Street to Cannon Street; thence westerly on CannonStreet to Royal Avenue; thence northerly on Royal Avenue to Atwood Avenue;thence northwesterly on Atwood Avenue to Transit Street; thence northeasterlyon Transit Street to Fletcher Avenue; thence northwesterly on Fletcher Avenueto the point of origin.
=bi Fifteenth District: The fifteenth representative districtshall consist of all that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a linebeginning at intersection of Comstock Parkway and the Cranston-Johnstonboundary line; thence easterly along the Cranston-Johnston boundary line toBlue Jay Drive; thence southerly on Blue Jay Drive to Westfield Drive; thencesouthwesterly on Westfield Drive to Pheasant Drive; southerly on Pheasant Driveto Elton Circle; thence southwesterly and southeasterly on Elton Circle toArrow Way; thence southerly on Arrow Way to Scituate Avenue; thence easterly onScituate Avenue to Phenix Avenue; thence southwesterly on Phenix Avenue toInterstate Route 295; thence southerly on Interstate Route 295 to Rhode IslandRoute 37; thence easterly and southeasterly on Rhode Island Route 37 to NewLondon Avenue; thence southwesterly on New London Avenue to Howard Avenue;thence southeasterly on Howard Avenue to Pontiac Avenue; thence southwesterlyon Pontiac Avenue to East Street; thence continuing southwesterly on EastAvenue to Mayfield Avenue; thence easterly on Mayfield Avenue to Stacey Drive;thence southeasterly on Stacey Drive to Pontiac Avenue; thence southerly onPontiac Avenue to the Cranston-Warwick boundary line; thence westerly along theCranston-Warwick boundary line to the Cranston-West Warwick boundary line;thence westerly on the Cranston-West Warwick boundary line to Phenix Avenue;thence northeasterly on Phenix Avenue to Burlingame Road; thence northwesterlyon Burlingame Road to Lippitt Brook; thence continuing northwesterly on LippittBrook to Hope Road; thence northeasterly on Hope Road to Pippin Orchard Road;thence northwesterly on Pippin Orchard Road to Furnace Hill Brook; thencesoutheasterly along Furnace Hill Brook to its intersection with thenorthwesterly extension of Chicory Lane; thence southeasterly on Chicory Laneto Carrie Ann Drive; thence northerly on Carrie Ann Drive to Hope Hill Terrace;thence easterly on Hope Hill Terrace to Vincent Way; thence northerly onVincent Way to Ellen Lane; thence westerly on Ellen Lane to Thunder Trail;thence northerly on Thunder Trail to Iroquois Trail; thence northerly onIroquois Trail to South Comstock Parkway; thence northwesterly on SouthComstock Parkway to Comstock Parkway; thence northerly on Comstock Parkway tothe point of origin.
=bi Sixteenth District: The sixteenth representative districtshall consist of all that part of the city of Cranston bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Phenix Avenue and Larch Street; thencesoutheasterly on Larch Street to Webber Street; thence southwesterly on WebberStreet to Atwood Avenue; thence southeasterly on Atwood Avenue to NicholsStreet; thence easterly on Nichols Street to Cranston Street; thencesouthwesterly on Cranston Street to Oaklawn Avenue; thence southerly on OaklawnAvenue to the Washington Secondary BikeWay; thence southwesterly on theWashington Secondary BikeWay to Dean Street; thence easterly on Dean Street toOaklawn Avenue; thence northerly on Oaklawn Avenue to Greening Lane; thenceeasterly on Greening Lane to Little Road; thence continuing easterly on LittleRoad to Glen Ridge Road; thence northerly on Glen Ridge Road to Crestwood Road;thence easterly on Crestwood Road to Budlong Road; thence northerly on BudlongRoad to Coulters Road; thence easterly on Coulters Road to Reservoir Avenue;thence northeasterly on Reservoir Avenue to DelWay Road; thence southeasterlyon DelWay Road to Intervale Road; thence southerly on Intervale Road and itsextension to the Pocasset River; thence southeasterly along the Pocasset Riverto Garden City Drive; thence easterly on Garden City Drive to Pontiac Avenue;thence northerly on Pontiac Avenue to Laurens Street; thence southeasterly onLaurens Street and its extension to New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad;thence southwesterly then southeasterly on New York New Haven and HartfordRailroad to Elmwood Avenue; thence northeasterly on Elmwood Avenue to AltonStreet; thence easterly on Alton Street to Holly Street; thence southerly onHolly Street to Sharon Street; thence easterly on Sharon Street to EvergreenStreet; thence southerly on Evergreen Street to Evergreen Court; thencesoutherly on Evergreen Court and its extension to Third Avenue; thence westerlyon Third Avenue to Law Avenue; thence southerly on Law Avenue to the PawtuxetRiver; thence westerly along the Pawtuxet River to the Cranston-Warwickboundary line; thence southwesterly along the Cranston-Warwick boundary line toPontiac Avenue; thence northerly on Pontiac Avenue to Stacey Drive; thencenorthwesterly on Stacey Drive to Mayfield Avenue; thence westerly on MayfieldAvenue to East Street; thence northeasterly on East Street to Pontiac Avenue;thence continuing northeasterly on Pontiac Avenue to Howard Avenue; thencenorthwesterly on Howard Avenue to New London Avenue; thence northeasterly onNew London Avenue to Rhode Island Route 37; thence northwesterly and westerlyon Rhode Island Route 37 to Interstate Route 295; thence northerly onInterstate Route 295 to Phenix Avenue; thence northwesterly on Phenix Avenue tothe point of origin.
=bi Seventeenth District: The seventeenth representativedistrict shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Whiting Street and Elena Street; thenceeasterly on Elena Street to Atwood Avenue; thence southerly on Atwood Avenue toRandall Street; thence easterly on Randall Street to Cranston Street; thencesoutherly on Cranston Street to Park Avenue; thence easterly on Park Avenue toPeerless Street; thence northeasterly on Peerless Street to Crescent Avenue;thence southerly on Crescent Avenue to Legion Way; thence easterly on LegionWay to Hornbine Street; thence northerly on Hornbine Street to Eldridge Street;thence southerly on Eldridge Street to Frankfort Street; thence northerly onFrankfort Street to the Cranston-Providence boundary line; thence southeasterlyon the Cranston-Providence boundary line to Reservoir Avenue; thencesouthwesterly on Reservoir Avenue to Park Avenue; thence southerly on ParkAvenue to Hayward Street; thence southerly on Hayward Street to Pontiac Avenue;thence southerly on Pontiac Avenue to Garden City Drive; thence easterly onGarden City Drive to the Pocasset River; thence northerly along the PocassetRiver to the southeasterly extension of Intervale Road; thence northerly onIntervale Road to DelWay Road; thence northwesterly on DelWay Road to ReservoirAvenue; thence southwesterly on Reservoir Avenue to Coulters Road; thencewesterly on Coulters Road to Budlong Road; thence southerly on Budlong Road toCrestwood Road; thence westerly on Crestwood Road to Glen Ridge Road; thencesoutherly on Glen Ridge Road to Little Road; thence easterly on Little Road toGreening Lane; thence easterly on Greening Lane to Oaklawn Avenue; thencesoutherly on Oaklawn Avenue to Dean Avenue; thence easterly on Dean Avenue tothe Washington Secondary BikeWay; thence northerly on the Washington SecondaryBikeWay to Oaklawn Avenue; thence northerly on Oaklawn Avenue to CranstonStreet; thence northeasterly on Cranston Street to Nichols Street; thencewesterly on Nichols Street to Atwood Avenue; thence northwesterly on AtwoodAvenue to Webber Street; thence easterly on Webber Street to Larch Street;thence northwesterly on Larch Street to Park Avenue; thence southwesterly onPark Avenue to Whiting Street; thence northerly on Whiting Street to the pointof origin.
=bi Eighteenth District: The eighteenth representativedistrict shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Reservoir Avenue and theCranston-Providence boundary line; thence easterly along theCranston-Providence boundary line to Morgan Street; thence southerly on MorganStreet to Margaret Street; thence northeasterly on Margaret Street to theCranston-Providence boundary line; thence easterly, southeasterly andnortheasterly along the Cranston-Providence boundary line to the Cranston-EastProvidence boundary line in the Providence River; thence southerly on theCranston-East Providence boundary line to its intersection with the easterlyextension of Ocean Avenue to the Providence River; thence westerly on OceanAvenue to Narragansett Boulevard; thence northwesterly on NarragansettBoulevard to Circuit Drive; thence westerly on Circuit Drive to Selkirk Road;thence northerly on Selkirk Road to Stratford Road; thence westerly onStratford Road to Broad Street; thence northwesterly on Broad Street to ParkAvenue; thence westerly on Park Avenue to Warwick Avenue; thence southerly onWarwick Avenue to the Cranston-Warwick boundary line; thence southwesterly onthe Cranston-Warwick boundary line to the Pawtuxet River thence easterly alongthe Pawtuxet River to Law Avenue; thence northerly on Law Avenue to ThirdAvenue; thence easterly on Third Avenue to Perkins Avenue; thence northerly onPerkins Avenue to its extension northerly to Evergreen Street; thencecontinuing northerly on Evergreen Street to Sharon Street; thence westerly onSharon Street to Holly Street; thence northerly on Holly Street to AltonStreet; thence westerly on Alton Street to Elmwood Avenue; thence southerly onElmwood Avenue to the New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thencenorthwesterly on New York and New Haven and Hartford Railroad to itsintersection with the extension southeasterly of Laurens Street; thencecontinuing northwesterly on Laurens Street to Pontiac Avenue; thence northerlyon Pontiac Avenue to Hayward Street; thence continuing northerly on HaywardStreet to Park Avenue; thence northwesterly on Park Avenue to Reservoir Avenue;thence northeasterly on Reservoir Avenue to the point of origin.
=bi Nineteenth District: The nineteenth representativedistrict shall consist of all of that part of the city of Cranston bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Warwick Avenue and Park Avenue; thenceeasterly on Park Avenue to Broad Street; thence southeasterly on Broad Streetto Stratford Road; thence easterly on Stratford Road to Selkirk Road; thencesoutherly on Selkirk Road to Circuit Drive; thence southeasterly on CircuitDrive to Narragansett Boulevard; thence continuing southeasterly onNarragansett Boulevard to Ocean Avenue; thence easterly on Ocean Avenue to theProvidence River; thence continuing easterly through the Providence River tothe Cranston-East Providence boundary line; thence southerly along theCranston-East Providence boundary line to the Cranston-Warwick boundary line;thence northwesterly along the Cranston-Warwick boundary line to WarwickAvenue; thence northeasterly on Warwick Avenue to the point of origin.
The nineteenth district shall also consist of all of thatpart of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at the intersection ofthe extension of Portsmouth Avenue to the Warwick-Cranston boundary line;thence northeasterly and southeasterly along the Warwick-Cranston boundary lineto the Warwick-East Providence boundary line; thence continuing southeasterlyalong the Warwick-East Providence boundary line in the Providence River to itsintersection with Occupessatuxet Cove; thence easterly through OccupessatuxetCove to Occupessatuxet Brook; thence westerly along Occupessatuxet Brook toWarwick Avenue; thence northerly on Warwick Avenue to Pilgrim Parkway; thencewesterly on Pilgrim Parkway to Fairfax Drive; thence northerly on Fairfax Driveto Post Road; thence northeasterly on Post Road thence southwesterly on PostRoad to Newfield Avenue; thence northerly on Newfield Avenue to NorthamptonStreet; thence northwesterly on Northampton Street to Portsmouth Avenue; thencenortherly on Portsmouth Avenue and its extension to the point of origin.
=bi Twentieth District: The twentieth representative districtshall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a linebeginning at the intersection of Lambert Lind Highway and the Warwick-Cranstonboundary line; thence easterly and northerly on the Warwick-Cranston boundaryline to its extension to Portsmouth Avenue; thence southerly on the extensionand Portsmouth Avenue to Northampton Street; thence southeasterly onNorthampton Street to Newfield Avenue; thence southerly on Newfield Avenue toPost Road; thence southwesterly on Post Road to Fairfax Drive; thencesoutheasterly on Fairfax Drive to Kiwanee Road; thence southerly on KiwaneeRoad to Knowles Drive; thence westerly on Knowles Drive and its extension toCranberry Bog Brook; thence southeasterly along Cranberry Bog Brook to itsextension northwesterly to Elmwood Avenue (boundary line between census blocks440030212004001 and 440030212004008); thence northwesterly on Elmwood Avenue toPuritan Drive; thence southeasterly on Puritan Drive to Sand Pond Road; thencesoutherly on Sand Pond Road to Bucklin Avenue; thence westerly on BucklinAvenue to Post Road; thence southerly on Post Road to Airport Connector Road;thence easterly on Airport Connector Road to Biltmore Avenue; thence continuingeasterly on Biltmore Avenue to a line extended southwesterly to StrawberryField Road; thence southeasterly along that line (boundary line between censusblocks 440030211005023, 440030211005028, and 440030211009002) to StrawberryField Road; thence southeasterly on Strawberry Field Road to a line extendedsouthwesterly to Main Avenue; thence southwesterly along that line (boundaryline between census blocks 440030211009003 and 440030211009002) to Main Avenue;thence southeasterly on Main Avenue to Groveland Avenue; thence southerly onGroveland Avenue to West Shore Road; thence westerly on West Shore Road to PostRoad; thence northerly on Post Road to Le Walley Avenue; thence westerly on LeWalley Avenue to Gorton Pond; thence westerly along the southern shore ofGorton Pond and its extension to Greenwich Avenue; thence northerly onGreenwich Avenue to East Avenue; thence westerly on East Avenue to InterstateRoute 95; thence northerly on Interstate Route 95 to Greenwich Avenue; thencenorthwesterly on Greenwich Avenue to Lambert Lind Highway; thence northwesterlyon Lambert Lind Highway to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-first District: The twenty-first representativedistrict shall consist of all that part of the city of Warwick bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Post Road and Bucklin Avenue; thenceeasterly on Bucklin Avenue to Sand Pond Road; thence northerly on Sand PondRoad to Puritan Drive; thence easterly on Puritan Drive to Elmwood Avenue;thence southeasterly on Elmwood Avenue and its extension (boundary line betweencensus blocks 440030212004001 and 440030212004008) to Cranberry Bog Brook;thence northwesterly along Cranberry Bog Brook to its intersection to thewesterly extension of Knowles Drive; thence easterly on Knowles Drive toKiwanee Road; thence northerly on Kiwanee Road to Fairfax Drive; thencesoutheasterly on Fairfax Drive to Pilgrim Parkway; thence easterly on PilgrimParkway to Warwick Avenue; thence southerly on Warwick Avenue to OccupessatuxetBrook; thence southeasterly along Occupessatuxet Brook to the Providence River;thence easterly through the Providence River to the Warwick-Barrington boundaryline; thence southeasterly along the Warwick-Barrington boundary line inNarragansett Bay to its intersection to Lockwood Brook; thence westerly alongLockwood Brook to Tidewater Drive; thence northwesterly on Tidewater Drive toWest Shore Road; thence easterly on West Shore Road to Damon Avenue; thencenorthwesterly on Damon to Winter Avenue; thence northeasterly on Winter Avenueto ArdWay Avenue; thence northwesterly on ArdWay Avenue to Overbrook Avenue;thence southwesterly on Overbrook Avenue to Church Avenue; thence westerly onChurch Avenue to Warwick Avenue; thence southerly on Warwick Avenue to SandyLane; thence southeasterly on Sandy Lane to Cedar Swamp Road; thencenorthwesterly on Cedar Swamp Road to a line extended southwesterly andnorthwesterly (boundary line between census blocks 440030211009000 with440030219021000 and 440030219021006) to Buckeye Brook; thence westerly alongBuckeye Brook to Mach Drive; thence westerly on Mach Drive to Buckeye Brook;thence northwesterly along Buckeye Brook to a line extended southwesterly tothe northerly extension of Warwick Industrial Drive to Buckeye Brook; thencesouthwesterly along the Warwick Industrial Drive northeasterly extension(boundary line between census blocks 440030211009002 and 440030219021008) toWarwick Industrial Drive; thence continuing southwesterly on Warwick IndustrialDrive to Main Avenue; thence northwesterly on Main Avenue to a line extendednortheasterly and northwesterly to Strawberry Field Road; thence northeasterlyand northwesterly along that line (boundary line between census blocks440030211009002 and 440030211009003) to Strawberry Field Road; thencenorthwesterly on Strawberry Field Road a line extended northeasterly toBiltmore Avenue; thence westerly on Biltmore Avenue to Airport Connector Road;thence continuing westerly on Airport Connector Road to Post Road; thencenortherly on Post Road to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-second District: The twenty-second representativedistrict shall consist all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Warwick Avenue and Church Avenue; thenceeasterly on Church Avenue to Overbrook Avenue; thence northeasterly onOverbrook Avenue to ArdWay Avenue; thence southeasterly on ArdWay Avenue toWinter Avenue; thence southwesterly on Winter Avenue to Damon Avenue; thencesoutheasterly on Damon Avenue to West Shore Road; thence southwesterly on WestShore Road to Tidewater Drive; thence southeasterly on Tidewater Drive toLockwood Brook; thence easterly along Lockwood Brook to Narragansett Bay;thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Narragansett Bay to GreenwichBay; thence westerly along the northern boundary of Greenwich Bay to LangleyStreet; thence easterly on Langley Street to Sea View Drive; thencenortheasterly on Sea View Drive to Elliot Avenue; thence northwesterly onElliot Avenue to Gordon Avenue; thence easterly on Gordon Avenue to OaklandBeach Avenue; thence northerly on Ocean Beach Avenue to Warwick Avenue; thencenortherly on Warwick Avenue to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-third District: The twenty-third representativedistrict shall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of New York New Haven and Hartford Railroadand West Shore Road; thence easterly on West Shore Road to Groveland Avenue;thence northerly on Groveland Avenue to Main Avenue; thence southeasterly onMain Avenue to Warwick Industrial Drive; thence northeasterly on WarwickIndustrial Drive to its extension to Buckeye Brook; thence continuingnortheasterly on the Warwick Industrial Drive extension (boundary line betweencensus blocks 440030219021008 and 440030211009002) to Buckeye Brook; thencesoutheasterly along Buckeye Brook to Mach Drive; thence easterly on Mach Driveto Buckeye Brook; thence easterly along Buckeye Brook to a line southeasterlyand northeasterly extended to Cedar Swamp Road; thence southeasterly andnortheasterly on that line (boundary line between census blocks 440030219021006and 440030219021000 with 440030211009000) to Cedar Swamp Road; thencecontinuing southeasterly on Cedar Swamp Road to Sandy Lane; thence easterly onSandy Lane to Warwick Avenue; thence southerly on Warwick Avenue to OaklandBeach Avenue; thence southerly on Ocean Beach Avenue to Gordon Avenue; thencewesterly on Gordon Avenue to Elliot Avenue; thence southeasterly on ElliotAvenue to Sea View Drive; thence southerly on Sea View Drive to Langley Street;thence westerly on Langley Street to Greenwich Bay; thence westerly along thenorthern shore of Greenwich Bay to Apponaug Cove; thence northwesterly throughApponaug Cove to the New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thence northerlyalong New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-fourth District: The twenty-fourth representativedistrict shall consist of all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of the Warwick-West Warwick boundary lineand Centerville Road; thence easterly on Centerville Road to Interstate Route95; thence northerly on Interstate Route 95 to East Avenue; thence easterly onEast Avenue to Greenwich Avenue; thence southerly on Greenwich Avenue to itsextension to the southeast corner of Gorton Pond; thence easterly along thesouthern shore of Gorton Pond to Le Walley Avenue; thence southeasterly on LeWalley Avenue to Post Road; thence southerly on Post Road to West Shore Road;thence southeasterly on West Shore Road to the New York New Haven and HartfordRailroad; thence southerly on New York New Haven and Hartford Railroad toApponaug Cove; thence southeasterly along through Apponaug Cove to GreenwichBay; thence southerly along the mean low water level of the western shore ofGreenwich Bay to the Warwick-East Greenwich boundary line; thence westerlyalong the Warwick-East Greenwich boundary line to the Warwick-West Warwickboundary line; thence northerly along the Warwick-West Warwick boundary line tothe point of origin.
The twenty-fourth representative district shall also consistof all that part of the city of Warwick known as Potowomut or Potowomut Neck.
=bi Twenty-fifth District: The twenty-fifth representativedistrict shall include all of that part of the town of Coventry bounded by aline beginning at intersection of Fairview Avenue and the Coventry-West Warwickboundary line; thence southerly along the Coventry-West Warwick boundary lineto the Pawtuxet River; thence northwesterly along the Pawtuxet River and itsextension to Fairview Avenue; thence northeasterly on Fairview Avenue to thepoint of origin.
The twenty-fifth representative district shall consist of allthat part of the town of West Warwick bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the West Warwick-Coventry boundary line and Sunrise Avenue;thence easterly along Sunrise Avenue to Maple Avenue; thence southeasterly onMaple Avenue to East Main Street; then easterly on East Main Street to PikeStreet; thence southeasterly on Pike Street to East Main Street; thenceeasterly on East Main Street to A Street; thence northerly on A Street toJunior Street; thence easterly on Junior Street to Providence Street; thencecontinuing easterly on Providence Street to the Pawtuxet River; thencesouthwesterly along the Pawtuxet River to Factory Street; thence easterly onFactory Street to Border Street; thence northeasterly on Border Street to FirstStreet; thence easterly on First Street to Earl Street; thence southwesterly onEarl Street to Factory Street; thence southeasterly on Factory Street to QueenAvenue; thence southwesterly on Queen Avenue to Park Boulevard; thence easterlyon Park Boulevard to the West Warwick-Warwick boundary line; thencesouthwesterly along the West Warwick-Warwick boundary line to Revere Avenue;thence southeasterly on Revere Street to Buckley Avenue; thence westerly alongBuckley Avenue to Dawes Street; thence southwesterly on Dawes Street to NestorStreet; thence westerly on Nestor Street to Main Street; thence southwesterlyon Main Street to Tiogue Avenue; thence westerly on Tiogue Avenue to the WestWarwick-Coventry boundary line; thence northerly along West Warwick-Coventryboundary line to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-sixth District: The twenty-sixth representativedistrict shall consist of all of that part of the town of Coventry bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of the Coventry-Scituate boundary line andKnotty Oak Road; thence easterly on the Coventry-Scituate boundary line to theCoventry-Cranston boundary line; thence easterly on the Coventry-Cranstonboundary line to the Coventry-West Warwick boundary line; thence southerly onthe Coventry-West Warwick boundary line to Hillside Avenue; thence westerly onHillside Avenue to Brown Street; thence northwesterly on Brown Street to HillStreet; thence westerly on Hill Street to Peacock Drive; thence southwesterlyon Peacock Drive to Partridge Drive; thence northwesterly on Partridge Drive toHill Street; thence westerly on Hill Street to Blackrock Road; thencesoutheasterly and southwesterly on Blackrock Road to Gervais Street; thencewesterly on Gervais Street to Knotty Oak Road; thence northwesterly on KnottyOak Road to the point of origin.
The twenty-sixth representative district shall also consistof all of that part of the town of West Warwick bounded by a line beginning atthe West Warwick-Coventry and West Warwick-Cranston boundary line; thenceeasterly on the West Warwick-Cranston boundary line to the West Warwick-Warwickboundary line; thence southwesterly on the Warwick-West Warwick boundary lineto Park Boulevard; thence westerly on Park Boulevard to Queen Avenue; thencenortheasterly on Queen Avenue to Factory Street; thence westerly on FactoryStreet to Earl Street; thence northeasterly on Earl Street to First Street;thence westerly on First Street to Border Street; thence southwesterly onBorder Street to Factory Street; thence westerly on Factory Street to thePawtuxet River; thence northeasterly along the Pawtuxet River to ProvidenceStreet; thence westerly on Providence Street to Junior Street; thencecontinuing westerly on Junior Street to A Street; thence southerly on A Streetto East Main Street; thence westerly on East Main Street to Pike Street; thencenorthwesterly on Pike Street to East Main Street; thence northwesterly on EastMain Street to Maple Avenue; thence westerly on Maple Avenue to Sunrise Avenue;thence westerly on Sunrise Avenue to the West Warwick-Coventry boundary line;thence northerly on the West Warwick-Coventry boundary line to the point oforigin.
The twenty-sixth representative district shall also consistof all of that part of the town of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the Warwick-West Warwick boundary line and the Warwick-Cranstonboundary line; thence easterly on the Warwick-Cranston boundary line to LambertLind Highway; thence southeasterly on Lambert Lind Highway to Greenwich Avenue;thence southeasterly on Greenwich Avenue to Interstate Route 95; thencesouthwesterly on Interstate Route 95 to Toll Gate Road; thence northwesterly onToll Gate Road to the Warwick-West Warwick boundary line; thence northeasterlyon the Warwick-West Warwick boundary line to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-seventh District: The twenty-seventhrepresentative district shall consist of all that part of the town of Coventrybounded by a line beginning at the intersection of the northerly extension ofTiogue Lake to the Pawtuxet River and Tiogue Avenue; thence southeasterly onTiogue Avenue to the Coventry-West Warwick boundary line; thence southerlyalong the Coventry-West Warwick boundary line to the Coventry-East Greenwichboundary line; thence westerly along the Coventry-East Greenwich boundary lineto New London Turnpike; thence northeasterly on New London Turnpike to ArnoldRoad; thence northwesterly on Arnold Road to its intersection with Tiogue Lake;thence northeasterly along the northern shore of Tiogue Lake to the northerlyextension of Tiogue Lake to the Pawtuxet River; thence northerly along theextension to the point of origin.
The twenty-seventh representative district shall also consistof all of that part of the town of West Warwick bounded by a line beginning atthe intersection of the West Warwick-Coventry boundary line and Tiogue Avenue;thence northeasterly on Tiogue Avenue to Main Street; thence continuingnortheasterly on Main Street to Nestor Street; thence easterly on Nestor Streetto Dawes Street; thence northeasterly on Dawes Street to Buckley Avenue; thenceeasterly on Buckley Avenue to Revere Avenue; thence northwesterly on RevereAvenue to the West Warwick-Warwick boundary line; thence easterly and southerlyalong the West Warwick-Warwick boundary line to the West Warwick-East Greenwichboundary line; thence westerly along the West Warwick-East Greenwich boundaryline to the West Warwick-Coventry boundary line; thence northerly along theWest Warwick-East Greenwich boundary line to the point of origin.
The twenty-seventh representative district shall also consistof all of that part of the city of Warwick bounded by a line beginning at theWarwick-West Warwick boundary line and Toll Gate Road; thence southeasterly onToll Gate Road to Interstate Route 95; thence southwesterly on Interstate Route95 to Centerville Road; thence westerly on Centerville Road to the Warwick-WestWarwick boundary line; thence westerly and northeasterly along Warwick-WestWarwick boundary line to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-eighth District: The twenty-eighth representativedistrict shall consist of all that part of the town of Coventry bounded by aline beginning at the intersection of Victory Highway and the Foster-Coventryboundary line; thence easterly on the Foster-Coventry boundary line to KnottyOak Road; thence southerly on Knotty Oak Road to Gervais Street; thenceeasterly on Gervais Street to Blackrock Road; thence northeasterly on BlackrockRoad to Hill Street; thence easterly on Hill Street to Partridge Drive; thencesoutheasterly on Partridge Drive to Peacock Drive; thence northwesterly onPeacock Drive to Hill Street; thence easterly on Hill Street to Brown Street;thence southerly on Brown Street to Hillside Avenue; thence easterly onHillside Avenue to the Coventry-West Warwick boundary line; thence southerly onthe Coventry-West Warwick boundary line to Fairview Avenue; thencesouthwesterly on Fairview Avenue to Washington Street; thence southwesterly onWashington Street to Sandy Bottom Road; thence southerly on Sandy Bottom Roadto Wood Street; thence westerly on Wood Street to Rathbun Street; thencesouthwesterly on Rathbun Street to South Main Street; thence southwesterly onSouth Main Street to Tiogue Avenue; thence westerly on Tiogue Avenue toReservoir Road; thence northerly on Reservoir Road to Club House Road; thencewesterly on Club House Road to Island Drive; thence southwesterly on IslandDrive to Kingfisher Drive; thence southwesterly on Kingfisher Drive to FlatRiver Reservoir; thence southwesterly through Flat River Reservoir to BigRiver; thence southwesterly along Big River to Harkney Hill Road; thencenorthwesterly on Harkney Hill Road to Victory Highway; thence northerly onVictory Highway to the point of origin.
=bi Twenty-ninth District: The twenty-ninth district shallconsist of all that part of the town of West Greenwich not included in thethirtieth representative District.
The twenty-ninth representative district also consists of allthat part of the town of Coventry bounded by a line beginning at theintersection of the Island Drive and Club House Road; thence easterly on ClubHouse Road to Reservoir Road; thence southerly on Reservoir Road to TiogueAvenue; thence easterly on Tiogue Avenue to South Main Street; thencenortheasterly on South Main Street to Rathbun Street; thence continuingnortheasterly on Rathbun Street to Wood Street; thence southeasterly on WoodStreet to Sandy Bottom Road; thence northerly on Sandy Bottom Road toWashington Street; thence northeasterly on Washington Street to the PawtuxetRiver; thence southeasterly along the Pawtuxet River to the Coventry-WestWarwick boundary line; thence southerly on the Coventry-West Warwick boundaryline to Tiogue Avenue; thence northwesterly on Tiogue Avenue to itsintersection with the extension of Tiogue Lake to the Pawtuxet River; thencesouthwesterly along the western shore of Tiogue Lake to the intersection ofTiogue Lake and Arnold Road; thence southeasterly on Arnold Road to New LondonTurnpike; thence