§ 22-3-14 Correction of lists oncertificate presented after call to order. In case any person whose name does not appear on the lists shall, upon thecalling to order as provided in this chapter of the senate and house ofrepresentatives, respectively, and before organization, present to thesecretary of state a certificate of that person's election to the office ofsenator or representative, over the signatures of the board of elections, andthere being no certificate of the election of any other person to that officereturned to or received by the secretary of state as provided in this chapter,the secretary of state in the senate and the reading clerk in the house ofrepresentatives shall correct the lists, respectively, by placing on them thename of the person presenting the certificate as senator or representative asthe case may be, from the senatorial district or representative district whichit appears by the certificate he or she is entitled to represent, and byerasing from the list where it appears the name of the person previously placedon it as senator or representative by reason of no certificate of the electionof any person to that office having been received by the secretary of state.