§ 22-6-11 Duties of fiscal assistant. It shall be the duty of the fiscal assistant of the committee on finance of thehouse of representatives, with the approval of the chairperson of thecommittee, to:
(1) Review all revenues received by the state in the lastcomplete fiscal year, together with the estimates made for that year ascontained in the governor's budget, and report, insofar as practical, on alldeviations between the estimated revenues and the actual collections;
(2) Review all expenditures, together with the regular andsupplementary appropriations made for that year, and report on all deviationsbetween the appropriations and the actual expenditures. The report shall alsoprovide information on the quantity and quality of the services rendered forthe amounts expended, and this information shall be reduced insofar aspractical to an evaluation of performance based on appropriate standards andobjectives;
(3) Review the state's indebtedness and capital improvementprogram;
(4) Make recommendations for revising or amending previouslyenacted public and general laws involving the expenditure of public funds;
(5) Advise the finance committee of the house ofrepresentatives on matters pertaining to the state's finances and makerecommendations for improving the operating efficiency and economy of thevarious departments and agencies of the state government;
(6) Prepare and submit to the finance committee of the houseof representatives and to its members following the submission of the annualbudget by the governor, but prior to its enactment, an analysis of all proposedrevenues and expenditures with recommendations for revisions;
(7) Prepare and submit to the finance committee of the houseof representatives an analytical report on any legislation proposing new orexpanded services by the state with estimates of any costs which may beinvolved;
(8) Prepare and submit to the finance committee of the houseof representatives analytical reports on all proposed state bond issues withestimates of debt service and operating costs involved;
(9) Prepare and submit reports on any aspect of the stategovernment or its finances which the finance committee of the house ofrepresentatives may require;
(10) Notify the finance committee of the house ofrepresentatives and the speaker of the house of representatives whenever thefiscal assistant shall determine by his or her review of the state's revenueand expenditures that actual revenue upon which appropriations were based orthat expenditures are exceeding the budget officer's quarterly or monthlyallotments.