§ 22-6-2 Committee clerks. The chairperson of each of the committees on judiciary, corporations, speciallegislation, finance, labor, and health, education, and welfare of the senateand the committees on health, education and welfare, judiciary, corporations,special legislation, finance, and labor of the house of representatives, andthe joint committee on accounts and claims may each employ a clerk, and theclerk of the latter committee shall be ex-officio clerk of the joint committeeon law revision. In addition, the speaker of the house of representatives mayappoint a deputy clerk to assist the recording clerk and in the absence of therecording clerk to perform the duties of the recording clerk as deputy and inthe absence of the reading clerk to perform the duties of the reading clerk asdeputy. The deputy clerk shall receive a sum in full payment for all servicesrendered at any regular session of the general assembly as determined and setby the joint committee on legislative services.