§ 22-6-4 Deposit and filing of petitions,bills, and resolutions. Each clerk appointed under the provisions of §§ 22-6-2 and 22-6-3,within thirty (30) calendar days after the final adjournment of the generalassembly in each even-numbered year, shall deposit with the secretary of stateall petitions, bills, acts, and resolutions which are on the files of thecommittee of which he or she is a clerk, and those petitions, bills, acts, andresolutions shall remain in the custody of the secretary of state and shall befiled in the manner that the secretary may direct; provided, that upon therequest of a chairperson of any committee of any subsequent general assemblythere shall be returned to the files of the respective committees thepetitions, bills, acts, and resolutions as in the judgment of the chairpersonare required for use by his or her committee. In like manner, the recordingclerk of the house of representatives, within thirty (30) calendar days afterthe final adjournment of the general assembly in each even-numbered year, shalldeposit with the secretary of state any bills that may be in his or herpossession.