§ 22-7.1-3 Duties. It shall be the duty of the joint committee to consult and counsel with thestate water resources board, the water department of the several cities, townsand water districts of the state, and all federal, state, and municipalagencies and quasi-municipal corporations dealing with development andoperation of water supplies, water control structures, water works,purification plants, desalination methods and plants, and water pipe lines anddistribution systems, and to conduct a continuing study and review of the waterrequirements, resources, supplies, and methods of acquisition and distributionthroughout the state. It shall constantly review the needs and water resourcesof all the communities of the state and explore the desirability of merging orintegrating several water departments and water companies. It shall investigatethe feasibility of utilizing water reservoirs for recreational purposes. Itshall also evaluate the reasonableness of water rates and charges.