§ 22-7.4-34 The John O. Pastore Center. (a) The complex of institutions, offices, and other facilities located in thecity of Cranston and including without limitation the General Hospital,Institute of Mental Health, correctional facilities for adults, the RhodeIsland Training School for Youth, inpatient detoxification facility,out-patient clinics, shelter for homeless persons, and administrative, program,training, and supporting activities shall be renamed and known as the John O.Pastore Center, a succinct title that conveys the historic character of thearea and encompasses the many diverse departments, functions, and activitieslocated there focused upon improving the human condition and further recognizesGovernor and United States Senator John O. Pastore, as a great humanitarian anda friend of the common man, who made an immeasurable contribution to the cityof Cranston and to the state of Rhode Island.
(b) The inventory of state-owned buildings maintained by thecapital development planning and oversight commission, as provided for by§ 35-3-7.2, shall constitute a uniform system for designating andidentifying buildings and other structures at the John O. Pastore Center. Noother system shall be used for this purpose, either in documents or recordsprepared by state agencies, or on the buildings or other structures themselves,except for names adopted in accordance with this chapter.
(c) Streets shall be named by resolution of the jointcommittee on naming all new buildings, bridges, edifices, and other stateconstruction as provided for by § 22-7.4-3(a). Those names, as they may beapproved or revised from time to time by the joint committee, shall appear on amap approved and amended from time to time by the joint committee. This mapshall be maintained by the division of planning in the department ofadministration. No street named in accordance with this subsection shallduplicate or resemble a street name of a public street in the city of Cranston.
(d) The division of planning in the department ofadministration is authorized to prepare a system of building addresses for theJohn O. Pastore Center. Upon approval of that system by the city of Cranstonand the 911 authority, the joint committee may adopt the system, and amend itfrom time to time as necessary.