§ 22-7.4-62 Preston S. and Ann V. BabbittMemorial Wildlife Refuge. That parcel of land comprised of thirty-two and seven hundred sixty-seventhousandths (32.767) acres, more or less, situated on the westerly side of MainRoad and Old Main Road in the town of Tiverton, and shown on that plan entitled"Survey Plan Showing Block 120, Lot 9A, Main Road, Tiverton, Rhode Island,Scale 1 inch = 100 feet, September 9, 1999," by Marc N. Nyberg Associates,Inc., and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" to the warranty deedaccepted and subscribed on behalf of the state of Rhode Island and ProvidencePlantations department of environmental management on December 16, 1999, shallbe named and known as the Preston S. and Ann V. Babbitt Memorial WildlifeRefuge.