§ 23-1.10-8 Rules as to acceptance fortreatment. The director shall adopt and may amend and repeal rules for acceptance ofpersons into the treatment program, considering available treatment resourcesand facilities for the purpose of early and effective treatment of alcoholicsand intoxicated persons. In establishing the rules the director shall be guidedby the following standards:
(1) If possible a patient shall be treated on a voluntaryrather than an involuntary basis.
(2) A patient shall be initially assigned or transferred tooutpatient or intermediate treatment, unless he or she is found to requireinpatient treatment.
(3) A person shall not be denied treatment solely because heor she has withdrawn from treatment against medical advice on a prior occasionor because he or she has relapsed after earlier treatment.
(4) An individualized treatment plan shall be prepared andmaintained on a current basis for each patient.
(5) Provision shall be made for a continuum of coordinatedtreatment services, so that a person who leaves a facility or a form oftreatment will have available and utilize other appropriate treatment.