§ 23-1.3-5 Licensing and registration ofradiation sources. (a) The agency shall provide by rule or regulation for general or specificlicensing of by-product, source, special nuclear materials, artificiallyproduced radioactive material, and naturally occurring radioactive material, ordevices or equipment utilizing those materials. The rule or regulation shallprovide for amendment, suspension, or revocation of licenses.
(b) The agency is authorized to require registration orlicensing of other radiation sources.
(c) The agency is authorized to require registration orlicensing of any person engaged in the business of installing or offering toinstall radiation sources or engaged in the business of furnishing or offeringto furnish radiation source services or service in this state to any agencylicensee or registrant.
(d) The agency is authorized to exempt certain radiationsources or kinds of uses or users from the licensing or registrationrequirement set forth in this section when the agency makes a finding that theexemption will not constitute a significant risk to the health and safety ofthe public. Those sources, uses, or users that may be exempted from thelicensing or registration requirement shall be specifically named in a scheduleof regulations that may be promulgated under the authority of § 23-1.3-2.
(e) Rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to thischapter may provide for recognition of other state or federal licenses as theagency may deem desirable, subject to registration requirements that the agencymay prescribe.
(f) The agency may assess annual fees in connection with itslicensing, registration, and inspection activities, provided that those feesare assessed only after procedures in accordance with chapter 35 of title 42have been followed.
(g) In lieu of a multiplicity of separate license and/orregistration fees which may be assessed under this section, any person mayelect to pay a combination license and registration fee, not to exceed a fixeddollar amount as periodically determined by the director of health afterconsultation with the radiation advisory committee.
(h) The combined fee shall cover all specific licenses and/orregistrations issued by the agency to the person for uses and services at onelocation or address.
(i) All fees and fines collected under this chapter shall bepaid to the general treasury of the state.
(j) License and registration fees assessed under this chaptershall be due and payable on or before the expiration date shown on the licenseor registration.