§ 23-1.3-6 Records. (a) The administrator may require each person who possesses or uses a radiationsource or who is licensed by or registered with the radiation control agency tomaintain records relating to the receipt, storage, transfer, or disposal ofradiation sources and any other records as he or she may require subject toexemptions that may be provided by rules or regulations.
(b) The administrator shall require each person who possessesor uses a radiation source or who is licensed by or registered with the agencyto maintain appropriate records showing the radiation exposure of allindividuals for whom personnel monitoring is required by his or her rules andregulations. Copies of these records and those required to be kept bysubsection (a) of this section shall be submitted to the administrator onrequest. Any person possessing or using a radiation source or licensed by orregistered with the agency shall furnish to each employee for whom personnelmonitoring is required a copy of that employee's personal exposure record, atany time that employee makes a request in writing, has received excessiveexposure, and upon termination of employment.
(c) The administrator may require the reporting ofinformation that he or she deems necessary for the protection of the publicconcerning:
(1) The routine and non-routine operations of fixedfacilities within the state in which sources of radiation are stored or in use;and
(2) The transport of radioactive materials within or throughthe state.
(d) All records required by this section shall be maintainedindefinitely unless otherwise specified by rule or regulation promulgated underthe provisions of this chapter.