§ 23-1.8-1 Purpose Creation ofcommission. (a) In view of the barriers and disadvantages which deafness and hearingimpairments impose on those individuals so affected, and in view of thetestimony on deafness received by a legislative study commission, it is herebyproposed that a permanent Rhode Island commission on the deaf andhard-of-hearing be established. This commission shall be composed as follows: athirteen (13) member commission, eleven (11) of whom are appointed by thegovernor, one representative appointed by the speaker of the house and onesenator appointed by the president of the senate. Four (4) of the governor'sappointments shall be initially appointed for a term to expire July 1, 1995 andthree (3) members shall be appointed for a term to expire July 1, 1994.Thereafter the commissioners shall serve staggered two (2) year terms, eachmember serving until his or her successor is appointed. These commissionersshall be responsible for the establishment of policies and the appointment ofan executive director who shall be in the unclassified service and other staffas needed and for whom appropriations are available. They shall meet not lessthan four (4) times per year, and shall not be paid for their services, exceptfor reimbursement of expenses incurred by their service. The commissioners mayelect their own officers.
(b) The members appointed by the governor shall include five(5) individuals who are deaf who use American Sign Language, one individual whois deaf who does not use American Sign Language, three (3) who arehard-of-hearing, and two (2) who are hearing. Commission members shall selecttheir own chairperson. Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum.