§ 23-1.8-2 Duties Activities. The commission shall be primarily a coordinating and advocating body, acting onbehalf of the special concerns of deaf and hard-of-hearing persons in RhodeIsland. Its activities shall be independent of any existing agency ordepartment within the state. The commission shall be accountable directly tothe executive office of the state, and shall submit an annual report to thegovernor. The commission will assume the following duties:
(1) Bring about greater cooperation and coordination amongagencies and organizations now servicing or having the potential to serve thedeaf and hard-of-hearing;
(2) Promote greater accessibility to services for the deafand hard-of-hearing;
(3) Conduct an ongoing needs assessment;
(4) Promote increased awareness and provide information andreferrals;
(5) Advocate for the enactment of legislation that wouldassist the needs of individuals who are deaf and hard-of-hearing;
(6) Administer a sign language interpreter referral service;
(7) Take necessary action to improve the quality of life fordeaf and hard-of-hearing individuals living in Rhode Island;
(8) Develop a statewide coordinating council that willcoordinate the implementation of the comprehensive statewide strategic plan forchildren in Rhode Island who are deaf or have hearing loss. The composition,functions and activities of the statewide coordinating council shall beconsistent with the provisions of the strategic plan developed through theRhode Island department of elementary and secondary education.
(9) Track the yearly services provided by exemptedinterpreters, as defined in subsection 5-71-15(4).