§ 23-1.8-2.1 Sign language interpreterreferral service. The commission shall administer the sign language interpreter referral servicefor all certified licensee, licensee, grandparent licensee, and speciallicensee interpreters, as provided in chapter 71 of title 5, who hold a validinterpreter for the deaf license issued by the state board of examiners ofinterpreters for the deaf pursuant to § 5-71-9 or § 5-71-12[repealed] or hold a valid license, certificate, or equivalent issuedwith another state with reciprocity pursuant to § 5-71-10. The commissionshall not impose any limits on the practice of certified licensees, licensees,grandparent licensees, or special licensees beyond those imposed by the stateboard of examiners for interpreters for the deaf. Prior to January 1, 1998 thecommission's sign language interpreter referral service shall be open to allinterpreters for the deaf who meet or exceed qualifications for license in§ 5-71-9, 5-71-10, 5-71-11 [repealed], or 5-71-12[repealed]. The commission shall refer any complaints regarding theconduct or performance of any interpreter utilizing their referral service tothe state board of examiners for interpreters for the deaf for appropriateaction pursuant to § 5-71-13. The commission shall upon receipt of noticeof revocation or suspension of a license by the state board of examiners forinterpreters for the deaf, immediately cease to refer customers to thatlicensee, unless and until the license is restored.