§ 23-1-26 Adoption of regulations Status of present regulations. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 35 of title 42, rules or regulationsadopted by the director on or before December 31, 1966 and pursuant toauthority granted to the director by law shall become effective twenty (20)days after filing those rules or regulations in the office of the secretary ofstate. The director shall hold a hearing on those rules and regulations, afterreasonable notice, if within six (6) months of the adoption of the rules orregulations any interested person requests a hearing. At that hearing, allinterested persons shall be given an opportunity to submit data, views, orarguments, orally or in writing, relative to the rules or regulations. Rules orregulations filed with the secretary of state under this section shall remainin effect notwithstanding that hearing, but following a hearing the directormay file amendments to the rules or regulations as he or she deems advisable,those amendments to become effective twenty (20) days after filing. All rulesand regulations of the director in effect on July 1, 1966 shall remain in fullforce and effect after that date unless expressly repealed by the director orby any provision of this chapter.