§ 23-1-44 Routine childhood and adultimmunization vaccines. (a) The department of health shall include in the department's immunizationprogram those vaccines for routine childhood immunization as recommended by theAdvisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Academy ofPediatrics (AAP), and for adult influenza immunization as recommended by theACIP, to the extent permitted by available funds. The childhood immunizationprogram includes administrative and quality assurance services and KIDSNET, aconfidential, computerized child health information system that is used tomanage statewide immunizations, as well as other public health preventiveservices, for all children in Rhode Island from birth through age 18.
(b) The director of the department of health shall appoint anadvisory committee that will be convened after the ACIP makes a recommendationregarding adult immunization. The committee will review the ACIPrecommendations for the state, assess the vaccine cost and feasibility, andadvise the director of health and the office of the health insurancecommissioner regarding insurers and providers acting on the ACIP adultimmunization recommendation. All recommendations will be posted on thedepartment of health website. The advisory committee membership shall include,but not be limited to, a primary care provider, pharmacist, representatives ofthe nursing home industry, the home health care industry and major insurers.