§ 23-10.1-4 Emergency commitment. (a) Any police officer may take an individual into protective custody andtransport him or her to the emergency room of any hospital if the officer hasreason to believe that:
(1) The individual is intoxicated by drugs other than alcoholand as a result is likely to injure him or herself or others if allowed to beat liberty pending examination by a licensed physician; or
(2) The individual is in need of immediate assistance due tothe use of drugs and requests the assistance.
(b) A physician in charge of an emergency room of a hospitalshall determine if any individual brought into the emergency room by a policeofficer, family member, or other interested person, requires emergency medicaltreatment for his or her condition or if the individual is appropriate foremergency commitment to an approved public treatment facility by reason of thegrounds stated in this section.
(c) If a physician determines, upon examination, that anindividual is medically stable and appropriate for emergency commitment to anapproved public treatment facility, he or she shall make application for theindividual's admission to the approved public treatment facility.
(d) The application for admission shall state thecircumstances under which an individual was taken into custody, brought to theemergency room, or brought to an approved public treatment facility and thereason for the physician's determination that the individual needs emergencycommitment for drug intoxication.
(e) Upon the request of any physician making application inwriting under this section, it shall be the duty of any police department ofthis state or any governmental subdivision of this state to whom the request ismade, to take into custody and transport the individual to the designatedapproved public treatment facility.