§ 23-10-1 Report of tubercular cases bystate institutions. The superintendent or other person in charge or control of any hospital,school, reformatory, or other institution, deriving the whole or any part ofits support from the public funds of the state, having in charge or under itscare or custody any person or persons suffering with tuberculosis, shall,within forty-eight (48) hours after recognition of that disease, make or causeto be made in the manner and form prescribed by the state department of healtha record of the name, age, sex, color, race, occupation, social condition, andresidence of the person or persons, so affected, together with any otherappropriate information that may be demanded by the state department of health.That information shall be furnished on blanks supplied by the state departmentof health, and that information shall be forwarded each week to the office ofthe director of health, on those blanks. Any superintendent, or any otherperson, charged with any duty under this section who shall fail or refuse tocomply with the requirements of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanorand upon conviction shall be fined not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00).