§ 23-10-7 Laboratory culture fortuberculosis. All biological samples or specimens taken from Rhode Island residents for thepurpose of performing laboratory culture for tuberculosis (Mycobacteriumtuberculosis) or for determining antibiotic sensitivities of cases oftuberculosis, by or under the direction or order of any physician licensed topractice medicine in this state, shall be sent to the Rhode Island departmentof health laboratory for analysis. Those biological samples or specimens may besplit at the time of procurement to permit one portion of the sample orspecimen to be sent to the department of health laboratory for analysis and theother portion to be analyzed at another appropriately credentialed laboratory.In the case of split samples or specimens, third party payers shall pay boththe department of health laboratory and the appropriately credentialedlaboratory for analyzing those samples or specimens. The department of healthshall waive the requirement for samples or specimens to be sent to thedepartment of health laboratory and shall establish a written memorandum ofagreement with any appropriately credentialed laboratory which can meet orexceed the most current laboratory standard of practice for tuberculosistesting, including maximum turnaround time.