§ 23-12.1-3 Duties of department ofhealth. The department shall:
(1) Develop standards for determining eligibility for careand treatment under this program;
(2) Extend financial assistance to persons suffering fromhemophilia in obtaining blood, blood derivatives and concentrates, and otherefficacious agents for use in hospital, medical and dental facilities, and athome, or participate in the cost of blood processing to the extent that thissupport will facilitate the supplying of blood, blood derivates andconcentrates, and other efficacious agents to hemophiliac patients at aneconomical cost, thus increasing the effectiveness of the moneys appropriatedto carry out the provisions of this chapter;
(3) Assist in the development and expansion of programs forthe care and treatment of persons suffering from hemophilia, includingself-administration, prevention, and home care and other medical and dentalprocedures and techniques designed to provide maximum control over bleedingepisodes typical of this condition;
(4) Institute and carry on educational programs amongphysicians, dentists, hospitals, public health departments, and the publicconcerning hemophilia, including dissemination of information and theconducting of educational programs concerning the methods of care and treatmentof persons suffering from this condition; and
(5) Promulgate all rules and regulations necessary toeffectuate the purposes of this chapter.