§ 23-12.6-2 Preamble. Ovarian cancer is a dangerous threat to the female population in the state asone in every fifty-five (55) women is stricken with the disease; three quarters( 3/4) of ovarian cancer cases are diagnosed after the disease has reachedadvanced stages (3rd or 4th stage) and fifty percent (50%) of women die withinfive (5) years of diagnosis. When ovarian cancer is detected in its earlystages, the survival rate is ninety-two percent (92%). The overwhelmingmajority of women who get ovarian cancer have no known risk factors. Ovariancancer symptoms are subtle and easily confused with symptoms of otherdisorders. The result is most often women do not recognize the symptoms, theresult of which is often fatal. The Rhode Island general assembly declares it amatter of public health and urgency to declare war on ovarian cancer in RhodeIsland and creates the "Rhode Island Ovarian Cancer Evaluation, Detection, andPrevention Act ".