§ 23-12.7-2 Legislative findings. It is found and declared as follows:
(1) Breast cancer is a significant threat to the health ofwomen. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women, and causes thedeath of a woman in the United States every twelve (12) minutes.
(2) The incidence of breast cancer continues to increase at adramatic rate. In 1964, one woman in twenty (20) developed breast cancer overthe course of her lifetime. By 1987, the probability had increased to one ineleven (11) and by 1992, it was one in eight (8). At the current rate ofincrease, early in 2000, one woman in six (6) will develop breast cancer in herlifetime. Presently breast cancer claims over two hundred (200) lives in RhodeIsland annually.
(3) Breast cancer exacts an enormous economic toll on oursociety, including over two billion dollars ($2,000,000,000) in direct medicalcosts, and over eight billion dollars ($8,000,000,000) in both direct medicaland indirect costs.
(4) Medical experts still do not know the cause of breastcancer, or how to prevent breast cancer.
(5) The state of Rhode Island must take the lead in combatingthe increasingly rapid spread of breast cancer and the current lack ofknowledge with respect to breast cancer's cause and cure, and effective methodsof screening and treatment.
(6) It is the intent of the legislature in enacting thischapter to fund screening mammography for women, who are uninsured and/orunderinsured, satisfying eligibility criteria as established by the RhodeIsland department of health with assistance from a community advisory boardconsisting of consumer advocates and physicians.
(7) It is the further intent of the legislature to direct theRhode Island department of health to provide appropriate diagnostic testing todetermine a diagnosis of breast cancer and staging of the disease and casemanagement of the woman's care by facilitating contact with a breast surgeon,medical oncologist, and/or radiation oncologist.
(8) In addition, this legislation will include a mandate forprograms of outreach, education, increased awareness, and cultural competenceto the statewide community.
(9) There are over twenty-two thousand (22,000) women inRhode Island today with breast cancer. Nationally, one million six hundredthousand (1,600,000) women have breast cancer. Mammography screening is themost useful tool, to date, to identify a breast cancer.
(10) There are four thousand eight hundred forty-four (4,844)Rhode Island women, who are uninsured or underinsured and cannot afford amammogram.
(11) In 1995, the Rhode Island general assembly passed aresolution declaring breast cancer an epidemic in the state.
(12) In keeping with its progressive and concerned outlookfor the health and welfare of women in Rhode Island, the guarantee of breastcancer screening must be extended to uninsured and underinsured women.
(13) There should be no barrier to quality breast screeningin Rhode Island.