§ 23-12.7-3 Program established. (a) Through funding from the Rhode Island Cancer Council, the Rhode Islanddepartment of health is required to establish a program of free mammographyscreening according to American Cancer Society standards, and, where required,follow-up, diagnostic testing, and case management for women in the state whoare uninsured or underinsured.
(b) The screening program shall:
(1) Secure radiology facilities to participate in thescreening program;
(2) Pay for screening mammograms;
(3) Ensure that screening results are sent directly to thepatient in a timely manner;
(4) Provide diagnostic tests as required to diagnose breastcancer;
(5) Provide case management facilitating appropriate contactto breast surgeons, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists; and
(6) Provide follow-up support to women who are found to havebreast cancer as a result of this screening program.
(c) The director of the Rhode Island department of health isrequired to provide a quarterly report to the general assembly on the programof free mammography screening, follow up diagnostic testing and casemanagement, and public education. An advisory committee concerned withadvocacy, outreach, and public education shall meet on a quarterly basis andreport to the director.