§ 23-12-1 Formulation of plans and minimumstandards for care and treatment. – It shall be the duty of the state director of health to formulate a plan forthe care and treatment of indigent persons suffering from cancer and toestablish and designate standard requirements for the organization, equipment,and conduct of cancer units or departments in general hospitals of this state.The state director of health shall consult with physicians designated by thepresident of the Rhode Island Medical Society, with other interestedorganizations, and with any other experts or nonexperts wherever located thathe or she may deem proper with a view to carrying out the purposes of thischapter and with a view to establishing a minimum standard for the conduct andequipment of cancer units or departments in general hospitals in those parts ordistricts of the state as may, in the opinion of the state director of health,be deemed most advantageous to the public health.