§ 23-12-3 Aid to indigent patients. The state director of health is authorized and directed to make rules andregulations specifying to what extent and on what terms and conditions indigentcancer patients of this state may receive financial aid for the diagnosis andtreatment of cancer in any approved hospital in this state. The director ofhealth is authorized to furnish aid to indigent cancer patients of this statewho are citizens of this state and who through no fault of their own arefinancially unable to provide proper treatment for themselves, to the extent ofand within the available funds as the state director of health shall deemproper. The state director of health shall have the power in his or herdiscretion to administer aid in any manner that in his or her judgment willafford the greater benefit to cancer patients throughout the state, and shallhave the power, to the extent of and within the available funds which may beprovided by the general assembly.