§ 23-13-1 Acceptance of federal act Administration and purpose of program. (a) The state accepts the provisions of Title V, relative to maternal and childhealth services, of an act passed by the congress of the United States,entitled the "Social Security Act", approved August 14, 1935, and assubsequently amended, 42 U.S.C. § 701 et seq., and designates the statedepartment of health as the state agency for administering in Rhode Island theprovisions of Title V of the "Social Security Act" relative to maternal andchild health services.
(b) The state department of health shall administer a programof ambulatory health services for mothers and children and shall supervise theadministration of those services included in the program which are not directlyadministered by the department. The purposes of those programs shall be: toreduce maternal and infant mortality, to reduce the incidence and prevalence ofpreventable diseases and disabling conditions among children, to reduce theneed for inpatient and long-term care services, to increase the number ofchildren (especially low income children) receiving immunization, healthassessment, diagnostic, and treatment services, to develop, extend, and improveambulatory health services to locate, diagnose, care for, and rehabilitatechildren with disabling conditions, and otherwise preserve, protect, andpromote the health of mothers and children. The director of health isauthorized to promulgate rules and regulations that may be necessary to carryinto effect the provisions of this section.