§ 23-13-16 Annual maternal and childhealth report. The department of health shall prepare and issue an annual report on the statusof maternal and child health in this state. The report shall include, but neednot be limited to, the following: (1) a statistical review and analysis ofindicators of maternal and child health, such as low birthweights and infantmortality, including a discussion of any trends revealed by those statistics;(2) a summary of peer reviews of pregnancy-related and early childhood deathsoccurring during the previous year; (3) identification of groups of mothers andchildren at high risk for morbidity and mortality; (4) identification ofbarriers to adequate maternal and child health care; (5) information regardingboth government-funded and third party reimburse maternal and child health careservices; and (6) recommendations to strengthen state efforts to improvepregnancy outcomes and to promote effective and coordinated maternal and childhealth care services. The report shall be submitted to the governor and thegeneral assembly by January 15th of each year and shall be made available tothe public.