§ 23-13-16.1 Maternity patient'sinformational pamphlet. (a) The director of health shall require that each hospital submit to thedepartment statistics relating to the annual rate of caesarean sections,primary and repeat;
(b) A pamphlet shall be prepared annually by each hospitallisting the statistics stated in subsection (a), and that pamphlet shall bepresented in a three (3) year aggregate with each of the years included in theaggregate listed separately;
(c) The director of health shall require each hospital todistribute to each prospective maternity patient prior to treatment (in otherthan a medical emergency), and upon request, to the general public, thatmaternity informational pamphlet.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), theinformational pamphlet for the first (1st) and second (2nd) year after January1, 1989 need only contain statistical information in a one or two (2) yearaggregate, respectively.